Voice of God

Declare THIS Aloud and Then Watch What Happens

Jesus Is King (1)JESUS IS LORD!

Today is my freedom day! Freedom in my mind, thoughts, body, soul. My spirit is free in You. You are God, Yahweh, The Creator and giver of life.


Life abundant because Jesus is Lord of me. I declare Jesus is Lord over my will, my emotions, my time and my purposes. He Lord over my house, all future homes and dwellings, my finances and Lord over ALL provision.

Jesus is Lord over my future, my giftings, callings and mindsets. Jesus is Lord over my body, soul and spirit. My thoughts, my hope and all my joy. He is Lord over my health, and I live in Divine health. He is healer and over all my bodily functions, organs, bones, nerves, heart, pulmonary and my hormones.

Jesus is Lord over my efforts, my hopes, dreams and over my future. He is LORD over every disease, illness and every lie of the evil one. Jesus is also Lord over my husband and his health. He is LORD over cancer and all sickness. Cancer is a liar and defeated by His stripes. Jesus stripes heals my spouse, my kids, my bloodline and heals every issue of my flesh, especially cancer. I break all power of cancer, RIGHT NOW, in my husband and me and declare WE ARE CANCER FREE IN JESUS NAME.

Jesus is Lord! He is my love, my pursuit, my passion and my promise. He is my joy, goodness and example. He is the voice I follow and He is my leader. My King! I serve Him exuberantly, with humility and utter devotion. There is none above Him and He is my life. I adore Him, love Him, and acclaim him publicly.

Jesus is my rock, security, truth. He is my compass and answer to every question. He is my strength, my food and my laughter.

Jesus is Lord over my home, my city, my state and nation. He is preeminent, renown and ruler over all principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. He is MASTER over every galaxy and the entire universe. He reigns, sovereign, over all of creation; past, present and future.

His law is grace. His commandment is obedience and His reward is sonship. Peace, love and right living are His promises. He is wholeheartedness and the light of the world.

Jesus is kind, forgiveness is his mantle, mercy, healing, health and beauty are gifts from his bounty. His ways are light, fulfillment, authenticity and freedom.

Jesus is King!

(penned from my quiet time on Sunday, March 20, 2022: Lynn Donovan)

The Secrets of Leviticus

Kingdom Life BibleThe Secrets of Leviticus

Seriously!!!  Leviticus.

Gang, sometimes I can’t hardly wait to wake up and open my Bible and read the Old Testament because I’m learning from those ancient, brilliant, books more right now than in the last twenty years.


Let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of a Salt Covenant?


Me either! (DANGIT)

But I’ve read the Bible for years. So have you. Why is this a mystery and it’s such a powerful covenant and we have been robbed of this gift for generations. Grrrrrrr. That makes me so mad at the devil. Grrrrr and double grrrrr.

Okay, open up the Word. Seriously, you MUST read out of a paper Bible. 

Turn to Leviticus 2:13 

Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings. NIV

Right here in the middle of the Torah is a powerfully important covenant. And if you remember the LORD has instructed me to ask Him questions when I don’t understand something.

So, “Father, what is a salt covenant?”

I pulled out a new Bible that I purchased over a year ago, One New Man Bible. This is a translation from the original Hebrew, Greek and contains many, many notes about the cultural norms as well as how the Hebrew would render a passage.

I looked up this passage and found the original Hebrew translated this passage as: And you will season with salt every offering of your grain offering. Neither will you permit the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings you will offer salt.

Okay, this follows a verse that will punch you in the face about First Fruits. (I also talk about this in the Intimacy Seminar.)

But back to the Covenant of Salt.

I think I may offer an entire series on the covenants. Covenants are powerfully meaningful to God. I mean it!!!! Covenants are the highest promises. There are conditional and unconditional covenants. A Salt Covenant is conditional.

I looked up the Salt Covenant in my new Bible and it’s rendered like this:

I shall cut a covenant of salt with you.

Gang, to hear the LORD speak these words. They come with power, force, reckoning, responsibility and with purpose.


Okay, friends, salt is mention many times in the Word and even Jesus speaks about the importance of salt. He was well aware of the salt covenant during His ministry on earth.



So, as I sat pondering and asking God what is a Salt Covenant, I realized salt is portrayed as a preservative. It extends life.

This covenant is a covenant of longevity.

So, I sat in awe as the Lord revealed to me that this is a Covenant that remains available to believers today. Wow.

And then a thought and a question formed in my mind and this is what I asked of Father…….

........To Be Continued following Easter.....

On Friday, I'm offering a video about the crucifiction. You will see Good Friday with new eyes. 

Then on the following Friday, let's learn more about the covenant of Salt. Une in because the story becomes crazy, wild, fun and astonishing from here.

Love you all. March toward our King and LIVE the Kingdom life. Hugs, Lynn


Kingdom Life BibleWhat can I learn from the book of Numbers of the Old Testament or Torah?

Many of you know that I read through the Bible every year using a Daily NLT Bible. This Bible offers a reading plan daily of a portion of the OT, NT, Psalm, and Proverbs.

Okay, I’ll be vulnerable here. I’ll admit that in years past, I’d open up the Word, skip the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy and jump right into the New Testament and read the Gospels. I love the Gospels. I never tire of reading about Jesus.

BUT…. THIS YEAR I’m mind-blown by what Yahweh is revealing to me in the book of Numbers.



I believe that my difficult trials in January and February gained a reward that I'm now receiving in March. Father, is speaking to me about things I’ve never known before. AND THEY ARE IMPORTANT. And fascinating.

I’m going to share a few with you here and a fantastic story in the Zoom meeting on Thursday. (If you missed it, you can still register and I'll send you the link to the teaching, click here.)

Let read this passage in the Old Testament: Numbers 19:1-10

Get your Bible out. You really need to read this and see it on paper. Trust me.

Did you read it?

In recent weeks the LORD began each morning with this:  “Lynn, what don’t you understand?" This is what He would ask me after I read my Bible.

Then He said, “Ask Me questions.”

That alone blows my mind. But, hey!  COOL!!!

The first part of the passage didn’t really cause me to ponder, but I guess there are questions in the first part that I could unpack such as: Why the RED heifer? And why the specific instructions to burn all the various parts?    hmmmm

But when I reached verse six, I stopped and stayed there: And the priest shall take cedarwood and hyssop and scarlet yarn, and throw them into the fire burning the heifer. Numbers 19:6

I asked this, “Father, what is the significance of the cedarwood? What does the hyssop mean to You? And the scarlet?”

Now, let me ask you this, do you know? Why would our God of all the universe, tell the priest to throw these things in the fire and create ash that the people will later use in a purification ceremony? Perhaps, you are like, duh, Lynn, I know this already. But, I didn’t understand.

So, this is where it gets fun. I heard Father say to me, “Pause here and ponder.” I waited, read the passage again and continued to ask Him to explain this verse to me. Then He told me to retrieve my phone and search cedarwood. So I searched these two things cedarwood and hyssop.

Well all of you who are essential oil people  probably know there are properties in the cedarwood. But this is what God told me, “The cedarwood represents long life. The hyssop is called the oil of gladness and it is an ancient herbal medicine. It is for healing.”

Then the Lord supplied a holy download. “The burning of the cedarwood is a property in nature that I gave to my people. It’s a restorative property. It is life-giving and represents the best health and long life that is a covenant with my people in that time period. The hyssop carries a healing component and it offers healing as a gift to my people.” Okay, it wasn’t word-for-word but a word of knowledge, or a knowing that I receive.

Then I heard this scripture: His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 2 Peter 1:3

Then the Lord spoke to me, “Lynn, I’ve created a world that has everything you need for life, health, and holiness. And I delight to show you the secrets of the Kingdom.”

Whoa. Just WHOA!!!!

Then He told me to get my laptop out and share with all of you.

Who knew?  I mean really.


As as side note: I might have ordered some cedarwood for my home and perhaps a diffuser and hyssop oil. God knows what He is doing. I’m partnering with Him for life, health and holiness.

Next time: I can’t wait to tell you about a Covenant that is available that very few Christians know about. And God also showed this to me in the book of ---now get this, LEVITICUS…

I hear ya, NO WAY.

And this is a crazy wild story. See you next time. Marching toward heaven, Love, Lynn

How To Enter Into Intimacy with Father, Jesus, Spirit ZOOM SEMINAR

Zoom Meeting Lynn Donovan comSo many people struggle to hear the Lord. They want their prayers answered and it feels like there isn't a response. This is often due to the fact that praying is at the core - RELATIONSHIP. If you don't know how to enter into that relationship, your prayer life will feel inadequate and a one way conversation with little satisfaction and often great frustration. 

Learning how to enter into the Presence is the Key to everything in the spiritual. 

There was a good deal of interest in the Intimacy Seminar. So, let's DO IT.

In this seminar I will teach you the way to enter into the Presence of God. The teaching will include the scriptures, have your Bible ready, a pen and paper. We will cover what the blocks are that denies you access to the Presence. We will also learn about first fruits and how that passage is very powerful in our prayer life.

The LIVE ZOOM meeting will be next Thursday, March 18th at 11 am PACIFIC TIME. I'm going to charge $10. This will help me pay for the Zoom renewal this year. THANK YOU! 

This also means that those who are really interested make an investment and will be ready to learn. WAHOO!!

If you can't make it, purchase the seminar and I'll email a link to watch after it is recorded.

I can't wait to walk beside you as you deepen your faith journey and learn to talk with God. Hugs, Lynn

Intimacy with God Seminar $10.

I Bet You Didn't Know This Truth About America!

Seek Truth LynnDonovan.comSeek Truth Series Lynn Donovan

Hello Kingdom Warriors,

Well let’s get this ball rolling. I believe I’m going to start with a timely subject. The United States of America. I’m jumping in the middle of a long and winding story because we as humanity, literally sit at a crossroads.

Before us God has placed this scripture:

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. — Deuteronomy 30:19

Our nation is sharply divided. And there are reasons behind the divide, many I hope to uncover as we work our way through the long story. But as we await the finalization the presidential election, I want to point out something many of us don’t know.

This election is a moratorium on good and evil. And although one man or one party doesn’t represent Yahweh, our God positions men and nations according to His purposes. And in January we shall see who God chooses.

I am absolutely convinced that this election isn’t so much about Trump or Biden but about Jesus Christ and the evil that has opposed His Kingdom.

I believe absolutely to the core of my being that God is in the middle of this election mess. And I further believe this:

God’s name is on the line!

And this is why.

Long ago, Yahwey looked upon the face of the earth with love. Long after man sinned, He smiled down upon a man named, Abram. Abram looked up to God and said, “I love you Father.” God loved Abram and gave him a promise of a nation from his descendants.

Now GET THIS: God chose for Himself a nation. Israel. Only one time in history did God chose a nation as His own. His people to love and prosper as His children. God chose only one nation!


America was founded by people who chose tremendous hardship, and many died to worship Yahwey in FREEDOM. They came to this nation not for financial prosperity, not to have land of their own, but all this was given to them. And the people who came here were Christians. Believer’s in Jesus!

The settlers of America came here and created a nation that chose God. We chose God.

Our nation chose God!

And only one time in history did a nation choose God. And because of our founding, I assure you that our Father’s heart is moved with fierce love as He looks upon America. Our God looks upon our nation as views millions and millions of people who love Him. Millions gather to worship. Million give millions of dollars to help humanity. Millions of HIS PEOPLE are also fiercely dedicated to our Lord and God and His son, Jesus Christ. And they love Him and this nation.

My friends, our God is passionately involved with our nation. He isn’t asleep nor is He uninvolved. He has literally saved us from tremendous disasters over the last 50 years. Things so wicked that when I share them, your hair will curl. I will lay out more about that in the weeks ahead.

NOW is the time to pray as one nation under God. We must have the right man in the Whitehouse and we will see God sign His name on the line.

I truly believe we are about to see some of the most astonishing works from the hand of God that have been witnessed since the miracles of the exodus from Egypt. Hang on to your hat!!  This will be a ride of epic proportions!

Pray like you never have before. Turn off the mainline media. And listen to the voice of God. He will tell you the truth if you ask and listen.

Okay, pray with me this week. Give thanks that we are blessed. Give thanks that we are alive in such an astonishing time on the earth. Give thanks for America! Give thanks for the other nations who love God!

I’m so thankful for you all. Happy Thanksgiving and I’ll see you next week. In His Grace, Lynn