The Practices of Vibrant Faith

The Atmosphere


119037759_367960550895576_8757373016531432331_nA quick update as I'm running around a lot today. 

Do you know what today is? It's Rosh Hashanna I've asked the Lord for some major things to happen today through tomorrow. A sign and a wonder. A change in the weather to put out the fires in California. AND I'm expecting that sign. I don't know what it will be but God is moving and it's going to be amazing.

Also, I feel such a charge in the atmosphere..... There is a presence in the world of HOPE. Hope is being birthed in our world and especially in America. Things are shifting. The Lord is on the move to save our nation and free the captives.

I'm so expectant, so excited, that I'm nearly bouncing up and down in my seat as I type.

THIS is a very unique time that arrives just once a year. It's a time to place a demand on your faith and ask for the new that arrives with God's new year. 

I'll tell you what I prayed about on Monday. You tell me in the comments what you are asking for from the Lord in this next season and we will stand together. Because it's the goodness of God that leads to repentance. And as children of God.....

WE WILL see His goodness in the land of the living. Can I get an amen?


See you in the comments. Hugs.

Jesus, Our Healer - Part I

Kingdom LifeJesus, our healer

Right now we are discovering the many aspects of Kingdom life and specifically looking at the Trinity. Today, we are going to try to unpack healing. Tackling this topic of Jesus, as the healer is actually complex. And there are many different aspects and components that go into healing. But what I do know for certain is that Jesus heals. And His primary ministry was that of healing.

Healing can mean many different things to different people. I want to take a look at what the Word teaches about physical healing. And I want to confront some ideologies that keep people from their healing. I’ll admit that I don’t know everything about Kingdom healing, but I know enough to pray for healing over myself and receive it and I pray for others for their healing.

I think the first thing we need to confront is the Spirit of Unbelief. We must embrace what the Word and Jesus models about healing of the physical body. Let’s begin at the beginning.

“If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” —Exodus 15:26

Healing was made available from our Father God. I love this passage in Exodus. And God has never changed. He desires, and hear me now, greatly desires to heal. Heal people, animals, nature, and heal hearts, souls, minds and all things that are misfunctioning or broken.

What I love is that Jesus demonstrates and provides and example for us to follow. What is interesting is that Jesus doesn’t use a formula and His healings occur differently. This is reflective of His total dependence and intimacy with the Father. Who is the ultimate healer.

So how do we access the healing of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. How do we engage the spiritual realm and healing angels to bring about physical healing? I think I want to unpack or share what I know and understand with the hope that it develops other’s faith for healing. So, let’s start with the different aspects of healing.

Illness in the body occurs due to a number of issues. Today, I want to focus on the spiritual component of illness. I’ll share a personal experience to help give a perspective. My Grandmother was terribly crippled in her hands, in her golden years, by painful arthritis. Interestingly, it skipped my mother but about two years ago, I began to feel pain in my joints in my hands. In fact, I went to the doctor and he confirmed early onset of arthritis and that there is basically nothing he can do to prevent it. 

Well, I can tell you I absolutely WOULD NOT settle for that answer. I began to pray with all the authority I possess and with BELIEF that this infirmity that my grandmother agreed with, WAS NOT MINE. I refused it. I commanded it away. I applied the blood. I broke all illegal agreements with the demonic realm over this illness and blessed my hands daily with health and healing. IN JESUS NAME. Always, in my Savior’s name.

Do you know today that my hands are pain free and what damage that had been done by the swelling, now has reversed?

This is why. 1) I believed. Simple and undoubting faith made a way. 2) I commanded the devil to leave me, my hands, and to destroy all legal grounds he was holding within my family bloodline. 3) I blessed my hands with health and healing. I blessed and continue to bless my body with divine health. 4) I told the spiritual realm that Jesus is my healer and He ALREADY paid the price, and it was very costly, for my complete healing, thus it was going to happen. I did not relent until I began to see changes weeks even months later 5) I thank. I continually, even now, give thanks to Jesus for healing my hands from arthritis. After all, I still have a bunch of writing to do in the years ahead and I need my hands to be pain-free.

I would also quote verses of healing to the devil. I would listen to healing scriptures at night before bed. I still do that often. I looked up every verse in the Bible about healing and I would claim them as mine.

Okay, so this is one aspect of healing where I had to confront the demonic who was creating this infirmity. We will discuss others in the days ahead.

What is your story? Have you been healed by the Healer? How? Share and give Him honor. See you in the comments. I love you Warrior! March on! Hugs, Lynn

Tools For Enduring Healing

Hello My Friends here on I've been absent from here. Hope to be more active. But today, I feel led to post a Facebook Live video that I originally shared on my online ministry page, Spiritually Unequal Marraige. 

The tools that I share are powerful and they work. I use them regularly and share them with others. These are Godly and Biblical principles that empower a believer to walk into ever increasing health, spiritually, emotionally and physically. 

Be blessed, Lynn


You Have Everything

Philippians 4 7Recently while I was worshiping in an extended time of singing, I became aware of myself standing with my arms held out in front of me. I could sense that a royal robe of weightiness, ornate and beautiful, being gently placed upon my shoulders. I also could perceive a scepter in one hand and something round in the other. (This was so unexpected and fascinating.) I could feel the power and love of God and immediately as it felt like electric pulses ran my spine. I heard the Lord speak to my heart, “You have everything.”


In that instant an uncommon peace settled over my heart. I would describe it as the peace that surpasses all understanding. In the two weeks leading up to this moment, I’d actually been in a place of insecurity and fear. I repented of the fear and had been asking God to come in and realign my heart with His.

Indeed, God loves an invitation as such.

Along with this new peace the scripture promise came, you have everything.

His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.— 2 Peter 1:3

(God has me camped in the books of Peter.)

This promise flooded my soul with peace. As the Holy Spirit prompted, “Lynn, you already have everything you need.”


Resting in this truth is powerful. Bringing this truth forward into our earthly realm is where I believe I’m headed. I expect this classroom to present interesting twists and turns. But I’m determined to perceive the ways of God and how, as His child, I am to enlist all of heaven to bring all I need for life and Godliness.

Expect a few updates as the classroom opens. Love you my friends. I pray this scripture comes alive in your faith. In Jesus name. AMEN

New Commissioning! October!

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. —Isaiah 43:19

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comGod is awakening the church, the BRIDE, to arise into their true identity, calling and into their power and authority. In order to do this, we must surrender old places, old faces, and every detractor that keeps us from God’s positioning. We have an irrevocable and diving calling but often old wine skins must be tossed and then we are ready for the new assignments, rolls and the divine. I will share in a minute how to walk through release and difficult transitions well.

  • God decrees new assignments.

I also believe He releases His people into new assignments for the year or SEASON. God moves in this season. He has taken an account of the past year and measured our life against the book that is written in heaven. He then will assign us to new work, new growth in faith, new ministry, new relationships. And the season is then sealed with words that I can imagine sound like this:


This is the season where some of the most spectacular events of my life have occurred.

In this season in my past in October, I signed my first book contract. My husband finally had an interview to be hired a year later.

And in my faith life OCTOBER 12, 2012 my entire faith life altered when I experienced an encounter with God. (A story for another day. It’s way loooong.) October of 2013 I experienced an open vision of Jesus, the Glorified Prince on His white horse. Whoa!

  • God releases us into new areas to be conquered, experienced and overcome.

God closes out old seasons and opens us up to new ones. Many of our transitions are truly ordained and orchestrated in heaven.

So, think for a minute, can you recall experiencing some kind of major shift in your life around this time period? Interesting?