

GT 2021 Thank youI'm overwhelmed by your generosity. Your gifts and your words of encouragement are a balm to my heart this season.

I can't wait to see all of you in the seminars about the End-time church and also the Journey around Jericho.

Watch for your email regarding the seminars. It's not too late to participate in either or both. Donate today. 

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Today choose...... thankfulness.

I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for each and every one of you who stops in here for a read. I'm thankful that you chose to journey with me into the miraculous and the divine.

I'm convinced that we are entering into a time of a True Acts II church. And I can't wait.

So today, I join all of you and say, Lord, our Father, we give you thanks for your love, your Presence. We thank you for tremendous provision. And Lord, we thank you for the miracles, salvations and the gifts we have yet to receive.

Thank you, Father. In Jesus name, AMEN

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. - Psalm 107:1

Turkey Eat Pizza

Cancer - Thanksgiving - Faith

Imported Photos 00006In America we are approaching one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. And this year so many things will be different.

Last week I shared our moving update. Please read it. There is a lesson here for everyone who faces disappointment. Click here or scroll down.

This Thanksgiving, I will still roast a turkey at my Father-in-laws home. The family is flying or driving in from all over. It will be a crowded house with lots of family. Laughs and tons of turkey. The bird weighs 23 pounds. Say what?

My daughter, Caitie, has surpassed my skills and will be mashing about 10 pounds of potatoes. I’ll tell you this she makes BEST MASHED POTATOES IN CALIFORNIA. REALLY!

But this year my Tablecloth of Thanks is packed away in storage someplace in So Cal. The moving van will follow up once we find a new home.

And here is the rest of the story.

As we were leaving Southern California, we received the call that Mike, my husband’s, recent colonoscopy found cancer.

Ya, not a word you want to hear.


Within a week we lost our new home, security, health and what felt like my Promised Land was stolen away. I cried a lot, as I mentioned in my post last week.

It’s interesting to uncover your TRUE faith when you face one major stress event, but we faced three within two weeks. (Move, illness, living with in-laws 😊)

I found out I really ONLY need Jesus. I have my faith and if everything else is stripped away, NOTHING, not hell itself, can take away my love and relationship with my Father, Christ, and Spirit.

So for the foreseeable future, Mike and I will remain in Sacramento, California for his treatment. We have great insurance in California and this is the right thing to do for now.

In the mean time, I HAVE DISCOVED THANKFULNESS at an entirely new level. It’s my thankfulness that reorients my heart to joy. To hope. To our future. To health. How appropriate at this time of year.

I’m so very thankful for all of you. MORE than you know. I’m thankful you pray for us, for Mike.

I’m thankful for walks along the Sacramento river. Thankful for the geese that fly over honking. Thankful for the wild grapes I pick by the river for breakfast. Discovering walnuts that grow wild. I’m using them in my Thanksgiving stuffing.

I’m so very thankful that I am healthy today. I’m thankful to really know my faith can withstand. I’m thankful. I’m thankful to have you as my friends. As my brothers and sisters.



For those who have been asking, my new mailing address:
6501 Harmon Drive
Sacramento, CA 95831

Tired of Churchianity?

Kingdom Life BibleMy Beloved Son and Daughter,

I have heard the deep longing of your heart. You have been faithful and true and yet have dared to ask the questions that many have feared to ask. In the depths of your soul you have asked yourself, “Where is the God of miracles? Where is the power and authority Jesus modeled to the disciples? Why don’t we see the miraculous today?”

I have heard your heart’s cry and it is time. You were born for such a time as this to step into the Living Word of God. I’m calling my church out of lethargy, out of fear and into sonship. I am calling you to step into your supernatural destiny. My church has tarried long enough in the trenches of powerless faith. My Beloved, you have been held back from an encounter with Me and today I’m calling you into freedom.

My children have been shackled by powerless living and left with little answers to difficult problems. You have agonized over your own children struggling with porn, a son who turned from his faith to heroin, your daughter who attended church all of her life and is now lost in a world of self-doubt, addictions and fear.

My Beloved son and daughter, I AM the answer. My Word has always held the truth, power and answers to all of your struggles and every one of the world’s problems today. I ask you today, my Beloved, step out of the old and dare to discover that you can walk in miracles. You can bring freedom to your children. You are commissioned to rise and walk in the calling of my Son, Jesus.

~Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.— John 14:12

If you are hungry for more of God, are bored with powerless and Christianity, are longing to experience the powerful answering of prayers, and you are desperate to watch God move in the difficult problems of your life, this journey is specifically for you.

Encounter God’s unfailing love, faithfulness, power and promises and live in the supernatural lifestyle intended for His sons and daughters.

God Sent Me Morse Code! For Real. AND IT'S FOR YOU TOO!

Hello Kingdom People,

Wow, I have a story for you. On Monday, I went for a walk-n-pray. I began to pray intently for our Nation, the elections, and to call to remembrance in the Lord that America was a nation founded by people who were seeking God and freedom to worship Him in truth. (Pilgrims)

But before I began to pray, I said, “Lord, it’s been awhile since I received a balloon. Father, would you please send me some kind of Word of love my way while I’m walking?”

I continued to march and pray and completely forgot this mention to Father. Well as I finished praying about a number of things. I immediately felt compelled to look up into the bluest and cloudless sky. The morning sky here in So Cal is absolutely deep Safire.

To my stunned surprise, I saw this:

Three dots and a dash
The photo reflects somewhat a diminished image because I was so shocked to see it in the cloudless sky. And then I looked up the meaning. After my further shock, I then remembered to snap a picture but several minutes had already passed and the formation was fading.

Three dots and a dash.   … 

I said to the Lord, “Three dots and a dash. What does that mean?”

I heard, “Look it up.” I whipped out my phone, Googled, three dots and a dash. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?

It’s Morse Code for VICTORY!

Then a download began. My mind was flooded with words. Words reflecting the many ways I’d attained victory in an area, and in another area and still more. Then I could see that my prayers were backed by heaven….. SAY WHAT????

Father said to me, “Lynn, you have done the hard work. You have spent years attaining and working toward holiness. You are victorious in Christ Jesus.”

PEOPLE, I’m teary now. And I’ll tell you I’m not always holy. But it’s my daily purpose to reach for higher standards of holiness.

In addition to this personal download, I also believe that the prayers for our nation, California, ministry, my friends, my children, all of it, was heard and moved upon in heaven. It will be interesting to see what results this week because you will be reading this on Friday.

But as for me, I BELIEVE!

Kingdom people, do the hard work. Work through your generational stuff, repent of anything and everything, ask the Lord to show you areas that remain unsubmitted to His love and healing. Jesus, our King, is so very anxious to bring us into wholeness.

Okay, we are in a very unique moment. I’m feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit to tell you to decree victory over the areas of your life that you are praying in the comments. Make them known. Right now you are receiving a divine invitation to stand upon the message from heaven: Three dots and a dash!!!

I’ll see you in the comments, my friends.

Father, God of all, we praise you and worship Your holy name, Yahwey. You are supreme and Your will is our will. What you desire on earth is our privilege to bring forth. We stand for the Kingdom of God. In Jesus name. AMEN