Hello Kingdom People,
Wow, I have a story for you. On Monday, I went for a walk-n-pray. I began to pray intently for our Nation, the elections, and to call to remembrance in the Lord that America was a nation founded by people who were seeking God and freedom to worship Him in truth. (Pilgrims)
But before I began to pray, I said, “Lord, it’s been awhile since I received a balloon. Father, would you please send me some kind of Word of love my way while I’m walking?”
I continued to march and pray and completely forgot this mention to Father. Well as I finished praying about a number of things. I immediately felt compelled to look up into the bluest and cloudless sky. The morning sky here in So Cal is absolutely deep Safire.
To my stunned surprise, I saw this:

The photo reflects somewhat a diminished image because I was so shocked to see it in the cloudless sky. And then I looked up the meaning. After my further shock, I then remembered to snap a picture but several minutes had already passed and the formation was fading.
Three dots and a dash. … │
I said to the Lord, “Three dots and a dash. What does that mean?”
I heard, “Look it up.” I whipped out my phone, Googled, three dots and a dash. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?
It’s Morse Code for VICTORY!
Then a download began. My mind was flooded with words. Words reflecting the many ways I’d attained victory in an area, and in another area and still more. Then I could see that my prayers were backed by heaven….. SAY WHAT????
Father said to me, “Lynn, you have done the hard work. You have spent years attaining and working toward holiness. You are victorious in Christ Jesus.”
PEOPLE, I’m teary now. And I’ll tell you I’m not always holy. But it’s my daily purpose to reach for higher standards of holiness.
In addition to this personal download, I also believe that the prayers for our nation, California, ministry, my friends, my children, all of it, was heard and moved upon in heaven. It will be interesting to see what results this week because you will be reading this on Friday.
But as for me, I BELIEVE!
Kingdom people, do the hard work. Work through your generational stuff, repent of anything and everything, ask the Lord to show you areas that remain unsubmitted to His love and healing. Jesus, our King, is so very anxious to bring us into wholeness.
Okay, we are in a very unique moment. I’m feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit to tell you to decree victory over the areas of your life that you are praying in the comments. Make them known. Right now you are receiving a divine invitation to stand upon the message from heaven: Three dots and a dash!!!
I’ll see you in the comments, my friends.
Father, God of all, we praise you and worship Your holy name, Yahwey. You are supreme and Your will is our will. What you desire on earth is our privilege to bring forth. We stand for the Kingdom of God. In Jesus name. AMEN