Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare To Win

FB Effective Warfare Lynn DonovanHi Kingdom Warriors. Lynn Donovan here.

THIS IS THE MONTH. The book I was destined to write. Although this book is aimed to assist those who are married to an unbeliever, this book applies to our spiritual warfare in general. 

This book is for serious and mature believers. It is widely available on February 17, 2024. The teaching is built upon the principles that I covered in Marching Around Jericho. Most of you who are regular readers here on this blog have read that book and stand on the foundational pillars.

But I thought it would be good to review them again as we lead up to the launch of Spiritual Enforcer. 

Nicole and LuAnn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage will be leading a study of this content on our SUM FB Page and SUM Sisters Group. Check in there if you want to see how others are working through this study.

Today let’s talk about a foundational pillar that is a MUST have in order for effective warfare. In the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I share a significant amount of information regarding the demonic. This is who we are battling.

Today, let’s establish the Pillar of Intimacy with God. And we tackle the GREAT question: Is God Good? And if God is good why does bad things happen to good people?

Download PDF Field Guide → Goodness of God

Seated in the Heavenlies

The-throne-of-graceImage credit testimoniesofhisgoodness.wordpress.com

Jeanne here.  Last June (2021) I had a strong leading from Holy Spirit to learn what it means to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places.  Over the course of the next 7 months, the topic was brought to my mind many, many times.  But I never sat down and studied it out.

God (in his mercy) did not wait until I got around to studying it.  After work last night, I was making supper (tater tot hotdish – shout-out to my Minnesota readers!) Pandora was playing a contemporary Christian song that I’ve heard dozens of times before.  Suddenly I was struck with powerful revelation… it’s hard to put the experience into words. I stood in my kitchen weeping, and when I had pulled myself together, I grabbed the nearest piece of paper – a grocery list – and wrote down what I suddenly knew:

We are seated on the mercy seat with Jesus.  We can extend his mercy, grace, and forgiveness to our fellow humans.  We can exercise his authority over the demonic.  We can calm the storm and move the mountain.  We can heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons.  IT IS FINISHED.

Yesterday morning I believed all these things were true because God’s word says so. But now I know they are true in every cell of my body.  There’s nothing left to wait for.  It’s time for us, if we call ourselves followers of Jesus, do what he told us to do.  He gave us everything we need.  We are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. As the Father sent Jesus, now Jesus sends us.  We are sent to preach the kingdom of God and to take back all the ground that the enemy has stolen. 

We are simultaneously seated in the heavenly realm with Jesus and walking this earth in physical bodies.  We must do the work of Jesus, to carry out his will and enforce his decrees, because we – believers -- are the only body he has on earth now.  We must preach the gospel.  We must comfort the brokenhearted. We must declare freedom from darkness for those bound by the chains of deception. We must bind every lying spirit of suicide, depression, anxiety, lost identity, and fear.  We must loose the Spirit of love, mercy, and forgiveness.  We have been given the ministry of reconciliation, not just a cessation of hostility, but rather bringing people back into an intimate relationship with the God who created them and has loved them from the beginning of time.

There is much talk these days of the end times.  In Matthew chapters 24 and 25 Jesus talks about the signs of his return, and also what he expects of us in the meantime.  He repeatedly warns us to be ready.  If you knew Jesus was coming next week, what would you do?  If you knew Jesus was coming in a year, what would you do?  It seems many of us, including myself, have been concerned with all sorts of things that won’t matter a bit when Jesus returns.  I am haunted by Luke 18:8: Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

The conflict between the kingdom of God and the powers of darkness is not some spectator sport.  There is no point in sitting on the sidelines, cheering for good and decrying evil. That’s not what Jesus meant when he told us to announce the kingdom, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons.  We aren’t seated in the heavenlies with him so we can have a better view of the game!

There is a fire in me that wasn’t there yesterday, and I pray it lights you up too.  One of my former instructors says, “Don’t worry about what people will think if you don’t get it exactly right. If you’re on fire for Jesus, they’ll come watch you burn.”  I pray Holy Spirit fire falls on everyone who reads this.  I pray that wisdom, discernment, and above all the incomprehensible love of God fills your hearts and minds.

I’d love you to share in the comments what you would do differently if you knew Jesus was coming on a particular day in the near future, or what it means to you to be seated in the heavenly realms with him. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

This Seminar and Prayer At The End!!!!

Freedom Lynn Donovan Ministries
Freedom Is Yours In Christ

Hi friends, Lynn here. I just want to make sure you know that this seminar is powerful. Every time I pray this prayer with someone, something breaks off, they feel the Lord, something happens. 

This Seminar is about generational curses and how the affect us today and HOW WE GET RID OF THEM. It's not too late to register. 

Tell a friend who continues to suffer. Someone who can't get free of habitual sin. Share this post with someone who wants more freedom in Christ Jesus.


In this seminar you can expect:

  • Biblical teaching about curses, bloodline and blood significance
  • Discussion includes, witchcraft & sorcery, sins of the fathers, the spiritual "legal" realm, our rights as the redeemed of Christ. And the power of the blood of the Lamb!
  • You will take an inventory of your life and uncover hidden legal rights the enemy holds against you and your family
  • Gain a prayer model to become free of the oppression
  • PRAY an actual and POWERFUL prayer to see immediate results

This will be a one hour Zoom seminar on June 24, 2021 at 11 am PACIFIC. The live seminar will offer you the most effective portion of our prayer time. However, if you are unable to attend, you will receive the video. All purchasers will receive the video link after the seminar. 

Sign up now. Jesus is on the move and His followers MUST be cleansed and empowered. Hugs, Lynn

$10.00 for the class and this will support the Online Domain Registry. THANK YOU!!