
Who Is Our Enemy? Let's Start With Jezebal

Who Is Our Enemy?

We have a very real enemy. Those of you who are regular readers here at are well aware that we face not flesh and blood but an unseen realm. And that realm is very real. It’s always active with entities good and bad.

Over the next several weeks, I will be traveling so my posts my be spotty until the end of May. However, I want to begin to share some insights into the spirits that we face. I plan to post about Jezebel, mind-bending spirits, sexual spirits, lying spirits, Pharmacia, and others that I’ve dealt with in my life or the lives of those for whom I pray.

Today at the prompting of Martha, we are going to examine Jezebel. And my friends, this is a wicked and cunning operator.

John Ramirez, ex-Satanist and “son of Satan”, says clearly that “Jezebel” is a name indicating a high-level Satanic principality. Not a human person, though named after a human person and its underlings have a goal to manipulate, control and destroy.

We know from the book of 1 Kings. Jezebel was a real woman who was born a princess of the Phoenician empire. A land that worshiped Baal, a Demonic power (god), who requires blood. I found a disturbing depiction of this worship and I’m going to share it because sometimes we need to be shocked into reality about what is really going on in this world:

Baal worship consisted of melting screaming children alive in the arms of a huge bull/man statue with a bon fire raging. You then take the ashes and put it into the foundation of your house. This way you will be granted with blessings to come for your family to come. That was the belief. This is actually just like modern abortion. Kill your first born so you can work at a cubicle for another 3 years to save up a bit more money and be in better financial shape for your family to come. We certainly are in the age of Jezebel and her Spirit. 

Ya, tough to read but it rings true to me.

The spirit of Jezebel is all about CONTROL, MANIPULATION, FEAR, INTIMIDATION and WITCHCRAFT. At the root of all of this is devil worship. And you nearly always need an Ahab who is the figurehead of power but is covertly or manipulated by a controlling Jezebel. This spirit likes to partner with a religious spirit within the churches as well. 

Don’t think for a minute that believers aren’t susceptible to this spirit. I often find this operator very active within church walls, in marriages by men and women. It's not just a woman controlling spirit. It can manifest equally in either sex. Some of the testimonies I’ve read about this spirit’s operation comes from spouses of pastors. Truly chilling.

Okay, I think this is enough for today. But I have much more to share about this evil one and how to identify it in operation and how we defeat it in the name of Jesus.

Look back over your life. At work, at church, in any organization and look for someone who is charismatic, charming, someone who will fill a leadership vacuum every time one arises, and will not receive any correction or allow any voice of descent.

Want to share with me today? Let’s chat in the comments about what you saw and what you did? Love you. Stay strong in the Lord. He defeats this controlling spirit. Hugs, Lynn

The Secrets of Leviticus

Kingdom Life BibleThe Secrets of Leviticus

Seriously!!!  Leviticus.

Gang, sometimes I can’t hardly wait to wake up and open my Bible and read the Old Testament because I’m learning from those ancient, brilliant, books more right now than in the last twenty years.


Let me ask you a question. Have you ever heard of a Salt Covenant?


Me either! (DANGIT)

But I’ve read the Bible for years. So have you. Why is this a mystery and it’s such a powerful covenant and we have been robbed of this gift for generations. Grrrrrrr. That makes me so mad at the devil. Grrrrr and double grrrrr.

Okay, open up the Word. Seriously, you MUST read out of a paper Bible. 

Turn to Leviticus 2:13 

Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings. NIV

Right here in the middle of the Torah is a powerfully important covenant. And if you remember the LORD has instructed me to ask Him questions when I don’t understand something.

So, “Father, what is a salt covenant?”

I pulled out a new Bible that I purchased over a year ago, One New Man Bible. This is a translation from the original Hebrew, Greek and contains many, many notes about the cultural norms as well as how the Hebrew would render a passage.

I looked up this passage and found the original Hebrew translated this passage as: And you will season with salt every offering of your grain offering. Neither will you permit the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings you will offer salt.

Okay, this follows a verse that will punch you in the face about First Fruits. (I also talk about this in the Intimacy Seminar.)

But back to the Covenant of Salt.

I think I may offer an entire series on the covenants. Covenants are powerfully meaningful to God. I mean it!!!! Covenants are the highest promises. There are conditional and unconditional covenants. A Salt Covenant is conditional.

I looked up the Salt Covenant in my new Bible and it’s rendered like this:

I shall cut a covenant of salt with you.

Gang, to hear the LORD speak these words. They come with power, force, reckoning, responsibility and with purpose.


Okay, friends, salt is mention many times in the Word and even Jesus speaks about the importance of salt. He was well aware of the salt covenant during His ministry on earth.



So, as I sat pondering and asking God what is a Salt Covenant, I realized salt is portrayed as a preservative. It extends life.

This covenant is a covenant of longevity.

So, I sat in awe as the Lord revealed to me that this is a Covenant that remains available to believers today. Wow.

And then a thought and a question formed in my mind and this is what I asked of Father…….

........To Be Continued following Easter.....

On Friday, I'm offering a video about the crucifiction. You will see Good Friday with new eyes. 

Then on the following Friday, let's learn more about the covenant of Salt. Une in because the story becomes crazy, wild, fun and astonishing from here.

Love you all. March toward our King and LIVE the Kingdom life. Hugs, Lynn

The Missing Ingredient To Answered Prayer

Psalm 27 13 lynndonovan comHey Kingdom People!

This morning I sat with the Lord and He told me, “Lynn, get up and dance with Me.”

That's weird. This hasn't happened before????

I rose and slow danced, like a waltz in the arms of Jesus. Then the Father stepped in and I wrapped my arms about His neck and rocked back and forth like a small girl standing on her dad’s feet, wobbling to-and-fro. Then the Holy Spirt swirled in and wrapped around us. All four of us, Father, Son and Spirit and me were dancing in my prayer room, all at the same time.

This is intimacy my friends. This is where we step into the divine and have the ear of God.

It' might make you uncomfortable to read this and even more uncomfortable to think about dancing with God yourself. I know one thing, the Kingdom will make you uncomfortable before you are led into joy and Shalom.

What I find is that most of us won’t pursue God to this point of uncomfortable. Then we wonder why He doesn’t hear our prayers.


Most of you are aware that I have a prayer ministry (Healing prayer, click here for appointment) and a significant portion of a prayer session is dedicated to establishing intimacy between my prayee and Jesus. Just accomplishing an intimacy connection will take up to an hour because there is so much blocking trust, love, and intimacy.

I can’t express enough that connection and intimacy births answered prayer. My friends, I’m not talking at you. Truly! I’m speaking to myself.

In the last two months the devil has thrown everything he had at me. Circumstances in my 3-D existence on earth drew me out of intimacy into the realm of merely surviving the onslaught of demonic attack. I had to FIGHT to return to the place of light and joy. I didn’t know for a tiny bit if I would make it.

But yesterday, I stepped fully back into the place of intimacy and joy. I phoned my mom, “Mom, the world is a place of light and joy.”

I know many of you are walking through tremendous suffering. It’s truly a satanic, witchcraft assault upon believers and especially any who serve the Kingdom in any capacity. Let me be a voice to say, “Cling to the fringe of His robe.”

That’s what my 81-year-old mom said to me for weeks. (I love my mom’s faith.)

I’m so glad she did.

And now, I’ll say it to you, “Cling to the fringe of His robe.” He will not leave you, nor forsake you. And you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. —PSALM 27:13

Question: Would you be interested in attending a Zoom seminar where I teach several tools and techniques to establish intimacy and learn to perceive His voice? $25 for a 1-2 hours Zoom session. Would this be worth it?

Let me know in the comments.

My friends, as long as there are believers on this planet, IT IS a place of light and joy. I promise. I love you, Lynn