Abiding Presence and the Manifest Presence of God
This is Part II in the series: Christ In Me
Since my last post I’ve been seriously practicing the abiding Presence of Christ within. I focus on a few scriptures and I read aloud a looooooong statement of faith several times each week. This statement of faith is based upon scriptural truths. When I read these promises and truths this is what is happening to me.
- I refocus on the absolute truth about who God says I am and who He says He is.
- I am then reminded about everything that has ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED for me.
- I speak the truths out loud to put the demons on notice that if they mess with me, I will set them on fire and their butts will be handed to them!!!!!!!
- I’m dispelling doubts that may be intruding based upon my current experience.
- I’m embracing truths that I build my faith upon and then rest anticipating positive outcomes.
- I stir my spirit into belief.
- I then step into faith with belief for the miraculous.
- I begin to practice my faith by speaking aloud my expectations through commands just as Jesus models.
- I banish all thoughts of doubt, unbelief and FEAR.
- I then set my mind to expect the unfolding of what I have released from my authority in Christ Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
All of this process is in acknowledgement of the truth that Christ Jesus and the holy Spirit lives WITHIN ME. I am never alone. Christ lives with me. He is always available. I can hear His voice and I lean on His leadings.
Now, is this a process? Yes, some days I walk down this path of faith fairly quickly. Others, I battle against, fear, doubts and the circumstances of life. I battle the demonic who wants me to believe something other than the divinely inspired Word of God.
I’m finding these battles are fewer than in the past and my realignment with truth occurs much more quickly as I take thoughts captive to Christ.
So, this is the result.
Currently I’m battling a bump that appeared on my face near an incision line where cancerous cells were removed two years ago. I am commanding, believing, proclaiming and demanding complete healing. In Jesus name. Always, ALWAYS, in Jesus name. I have no authority outside of Christ but when I’m walking in belief and faith I contain tremendous amounts of power and authority.
I will, I WILL........ see this bump disappear before I arrive at the dermatologist. I want a dermatologist to tell me there is nothing there. That appointment is about a month out.
Interestingly, I was in a prayer session Monday, and as I prayed along with someone else, the nodule bust open and the pain lessened immediately.
Okay, this post has already gone way to long. I will share in the future more regarding the manifest presence of God (and it's good). But next time, I need to tell you what happened when I began to pray in October about my hands!!!!!!
Stay tuned! Stories of the Kingdom of God are flying off my fingers.
I LOVE JESUS SO MUCH!!! I love you so much also. Blessings and hugs, Lynn