My Child Sees Monsters


Book Cover 2 12 2021Guess what??

If you wanted either Kingdom Conversations or My Child Sees Monsters but were saving your pennies, now is your day. Both books are $8.99. Amazon has them on sale for their event. Below is a devotional from Kingdom Conversations. Order your copies today. Hugs, Lynn


He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 PETER 2:24

 My child, fear not! The enemy has petitioned to sort through you—even unto death.

However, his petitions have been denied in the heavenly courts this very hour. Although he has hit you hard, the accuser WILL—NOT—PREVAIL!

Kingdom Conversations New Cover July 27 2020For I have received the fruit of thy hands and count it as righteousness. Thusly, I have relayed unto you through the hands of the angelic forces the healing balm of Gilead. This oil is sent forth for your protection and healing.

Behold! I am delivering your healing now. Do not doubt. Do not listen to those who walk with fear. Their voices pour forth from the spirits of doom—gloom—and fear.

Take charge! Today, decree the promises of my hand. Set them as edicts over yourself. Stand upon them. Speak them. Pray them back to me. Arise daily bearing witness that your healing progresses into finality.

Worship in the House of the LORD! Tell of my wonders. Reveal my promises. Stand in faith with the communion of the saints. The blood that is sprinkled speaks a better word than that of Abel. The blood covenant is mercy, grace, forgiveness, healing, and your wholeness.

All is well, my child.

I call you my beloved. You walk in my favor, hope, truth, and power. Decree my purposes forward in your life. You shall see my faithfulness unto all your petitions. And many will glory because you chose to believe.

Blessed are you among many, beloved child. I carry you in the very palm of my hand—the Lord, the LORD, God Almighty!

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you (John 15:16).

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:1-5).

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

Jesus saith unto him, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked (John 5:8-9a).

A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill (Matthew 12:15b).

Today, in the name of Jesus, I set a decree over myself for the complete healing of my body. I ask for healing specifically _______________. Lord Jesus, by your name, blood, and authority, I stand upon the promises of God’s Word and in faith to see all my petitions come forth. Thank you, Jesus. I worship you, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN


The Room Electrified!

MCSM  1Hi Sons and Daughters of God,

Let’s pick up the story about my niece. I was attending a wedding in May along with my sister, mom and my sister’s daughter. We returned home and my niece joined us at my mom’s home. Today, you will find us in the middle of the story. Part one is here.

My niece read about the spiritual gifts in my new book, My Child Sees Monsters (Available today). I watched as understanding began to settle upon her spirit. Finally, all these years later she was learning why she experienced such wild emotions.

After some discussion regarding her gifting and the struggles they created for her, I then equipped her with the tools she needs to navigate the gift.

Then the moment arrived. I said, “Do you want to step into the Kingdom of light today? Do you want to be in the right Kingdom? This is the true Kingdom of God where Jesus rules and reigns.”

She quickly nodded her head.

“Repeat after me. Today I repent for every sin known and unknown. Jesus forgive me. Wash my sin from my permanent record. Jesus, today I believe in You. I accept you as my savior and I will follow you. Amen”


I said, “Wait a minute. Don’t say anything.”

She, my mom and I sat motionless and watched her as she looked back at me. THEN the room went electric. I shout, “Do you feel that?”

The room transformed.

The electricity hit all three of us. I shout, “I have chill bumps all over.”

Mom, “I can feel it too.”

Looking at my niece, “Can you feel it?” She was so choked-up with emotion, all she could do was smile, nod and tears sprang into her eyes.

She was walking out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. AND she could feel the love of God tangibly. We all felt His presence upon our body and within our heart.

I jumped up and hugged her.

I watched in the background as we prayed, my mother with her eyes squeezed shut and her hand raised. You see, she had prayed for 20 years for this very moment. And because our God is just THAT GOOD, she was there to witness the answer to her years of petitions.

A once in a lifetime moment where three unlikely family members are all together and God shows up.

THESE ARE KINGDOM STORIES. These are the moments that mater. This IS KINDGOM LIFE!

God is good!

Friends, please support me. Buy a copy of the book. If you can’t or don’t need it, pass it to a parent who needs help with their children who are suffering from fear, night terrors, who see things mom and dad can’t.

They need this book. Jesus is in it!

I love you. So very much. Hugs, Lynn

Are You Still Practicing Wicca?

MCSM 2 5 4 2021Hi My Family in the Kingdom of God,

I have a story for you today. It’s a story that is 20 years in the making. It begins with my sister’s daughter, my niece, who is 20 years old. It includes my newest book that launches tomorrow. And it is a fantastic ending. But I’m ahead of myself.

So much to tell. Where do I start?

“So, are you still practicing wicca?” I asked my niece as we sat in the family room of my mother’s condo. Stunned she replied, “I haven’t practiced wicca.”

“Well, then are you still tinkering with it?” You see when she was in middle school and early high school, when she was messing around with this stuff. I had my suspicions because of her jewelry and other signs. I also perceived in the spirit.

You should know that I’m not close with my sister and her family. I see them perhaps once a year. However, there I was sitting with this young woman, and I cared. I cared deeply about her life, her future and her past. I care about her eternity. I love her. Truly.

“No, I’m not doing that but there was a time I was interested, and I did a lot of research.”

“Well, are still lighting candles and such?”

‘No, Aunt Lynn.” See grins sheepishly, surprised I knew what I knew.

So a conversation ensued where I told her there was only two kingdoms – ONLY TWO. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.

We spoke about our family history and all the curses upon our bloodlines. And then we began to talk about what she knew about the spiritual realm. We discovered that she is highly gifted. No wonder she was curious about the spiritual.

I picked up my new book and asked her to read the chapter where I describe spiritual gifts. I waited and felt the presence of God.


Stay tuned tomorrow. And my friends, order your copy tomorrow. TOMORROW IS LAUNCH DAY!

This story is fantastic. See you tomorrow.

Need Your Feedback

Monsters Prelaunch Hey Kingdom Family,

On Tuesday, June 8th, my newest book will officially launch. This book is departure from my past writing. However, it is a desperately needed book. 

This book tells the story of a family who have children that saw spiritual beings from a young age. It shares what they learned and how the helped their children forward in their gifts from a Kingdom perspective.

So, I have a question. In need some feed back. How many of you raised children who told you they saw things as a child? How many of you know a family who has dealing with this very issue?

I'm trying to figure out just how common this is. Can you leave me your thoughts in the comments. Thank you my friends. Hugs, Lynn