#GivingTuesdayMy friends, Lynn Donovan here.
I pray you found kindness here. I continue to pray that you discover more about our Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On Giving Tuesday take a minute and ask the Lord, what should I give to help this ministry stay on the web another year?
It takes about $6K to keep all the parts moving in our ministry annually. I can't fund this alone. But we can provide value to your giving.
So, I'm offering a couple of things.
Offer Number One: For any donation over US$35 or any recurring donation of $5 or more, we'll give you free admission to six classes that I will be teaching in January via Zoom.
I will advertise more about these six classes soon, but I'm excited about them as they'll be a great opportunity for us to come together online a little more in person. The classes themselves will be a weekly live teaching on Zoom on a variety of topics including spiritual gifts, intimacy with God, understanding the occult, walking in your authority in Christ, and more. We'll be building on the concepts in the book Marching Around Jericho, and delving a little deeper into some of those things. It should be good.
Offer Number Two: I will teach a 2 1/2 seminar on the End-Times Church. This will be on January 20, 2022 at 11 am Pacific. Via Zoom. This seminar will:
- Lay out the many scriptures describing the End-Times Church
- Discuss the Philadelphia Company
- Where we are in prophecy today
- Is the Jab the Mark of the Beast
- Where is the Bride
- Where are the Jews
- Rapture
- The Terrible Day of the Lord
- Live Q&A. Ask me anything!
Expect scripture-upon-scripture and to be GREATLY encouraged by truth that you can stand upon and take hope.
Any recurring donation of any amount and you are included in this teaching. Recurring donations make up the bulk of our giving. And to our current recurring givers, please think about increasing your giving and you are included in this teaching.
One-time gifts of $60 or more. Make a donation of $100 or more and receive both seminars. If you are unable to attend, you will receive a link to the teaching to watch later.
Make your donation by clicking below. You will register for the seminar through the donation link.
Mostly please give cheerfully and because you find the love of Jesus in this house. I love you and I continue to urge you forward in faith. Love and hugs, Lynn Donovan, Founder
Donations go to Lynn Donovan/Three Keys Ministries 501(c) 3. You will receive a tax document in January, 2022.