Marching Around Jericho


#GivingTuesdayGT Lynn Donovan MinistriesMy friends, Lynn Donovan here.

I pray you found kindness here. I continue to pray that you discover more about our Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On Giving Tuesday take a minute and ask the Lord, what should I give to help this ministry stay on the web another year?

It takes about $6K to keep all the parts moving in our ministry annually. I can't fund this alone. But we can provide value to your giving.

So, I'm offering a couple of things. 

Offer Number One: For any donation over US$35 or any recurring donation of $5 or more, we'll give you free admission to six classes that I will be teaching in January via Zoom.

I will advertise more about these six classes soon, but I'm excited about them as they'll be a great opportunity for us to come together online a little more in person. The classes themselves will be a weekly live teaching on Zoom on a variety of topics including spiritual gifts, intimacy with God, understanding the occult, walking in your authority in Christ, and more. We'll be building on the concepts in the book Marching Around Jericho, and delving a little deeper into some of those things. It should be good.

Offer Number Two: I will teach a 2 1/2 seminar on the End-Times Church. This will be on January 20, 2022 at 11 am Pacific. Via Zoom. This seminar will:

  • Lay out the many scriptures describing the End-Times Church
  • Discuss the Philadelphia Company
  • Where we are in prophecy today
  • Is the Jab the Mark of the Beast
  • Where is the Bride
  • Where are the Jews
  • Rapture
  • The Terrible Day of the Lord
  • Live Q&A. Ask me anything!

Expect scripture-upon-scripture and to be GREATLY encouraged by truth that you can stand upon and take hope.

Any recurring donation of any amount and you are included in this teaching. Recurring donations make up the bulk of our giving. And to our current recurring givers, please think about increasing your giving and you are included in this teaching.

One-time gifts of $60 or more. Make a donation of $100 or more and receive both seminars.  If you are unable to attend, you will receive a link to the teaching to watch later.

Make your donation by clicking below. You will register for the seminar through the donation link.

Mostly please give cheerfully and because you find the love of Jesus in this house. I love you and I continue to urge you forward in faith. Love and hugs, Lynn Donovan, Founder

Donations go to Lynn Donovan/Three Keys Ministries 501(c) 3. You will receive a tax document in January, 2022.

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FAST BEGINS At Sunrise January 4, 2021

Lynn Donovan Prayer & Fasting 2021Thank you for joining this very important time where we fast as a collective community.

There are two things we want to accomplish through a fast. One, draw closer to God. And two, cleanse ourselves to bring about clarity, holiness, and freedom.

Let’s start today off by cleansing our soul. The soul is where the demonic will work to create illness, depression and oppression.

Today, in your morning prayer time, ask Jesus some questions:

Q: Jesus, reveal to me any person who I need to forgive. Work through the forgiveness process. You can find an example of this in Marching Around Jericho, page 80.

Q: Jesus, where does the enemy retain legal rights in my life? My marriage? My family?

Repent and work through any woundedness with Jesus.

Q: Jesus is there any bitterness within me? Are there unhealed soul wounds? Are there any weapons (swords, daggers, spears, etc.) lodged into my soul? If so, remove them.

Jesus, I now ask you to cover every part of my soul with your healing blood. Cleanse my body, soul and spirit. Draw me into Your holiness.

Listen and respond. Take communion elements, if prompted. The blood is powerful.

Okay, before you leave your morning time, BLESS.

Lord Jesus, in Your name, I bless myself and my family with joy, hope, and peace. I bless us with a spirit of unity and cooperation. I bless our home to be a safe place to always land. A place of authenticity and bless us with love and commitment to one another.

Jesus, bless me and my family name them individually) with divine health today. Heal our souls, our broken hearts, and release us from lies that hold us in bondage.

Jesus, bless everything under my stewardship, love, and responsibility. Let everything I touch thrive and grow. I receive the gift of the abundant life you died to provide.

Jesus, bless my daughter with____________________.

Bless my son with______________________________.

Bless my spouse________________________________.

Bless me______________________________________.


Bless me today to be sensitive to your prompting. Jesus as I feel the hunger pangs, cause me to turn to you and pray. Sustain me through this fast and help me conquer my body and bring it as an offering to You.

Today, Jesus, reveal yourself in our Nation. I speak with all the Saints, LET YOUR WILL BE DONE THAT YOUR NAME IS GLORIFIED. Jesus, in your powerful name. AMEN

Okay, in the comments, I want you to write one blessing. This blessing becomes a permanent record in the heavenly realms as I and others bear witness. And then echo another’s prayer with an amen in the comments.

This FAST will change so much in our future. Love and hugs, Lynn

Tomorrow a home cleansing prayer.

The Spirit of Suicide

Ephesians 6 12This past week I felt so honored to be a guest on a number of radio shows that aired across the world. Humbled and truly honored and so thankful.

What was interesting to me is how diverse the interviews turned out to be. Although we were discussing virtually the same topic, wow, did the questions and content change from one interview to the next.

By the way, I’m always nervous.

Anyhoo, I recall thinking to myself during a few of these interviews and sharing with the host that one of the biggest areas of growth for me in my faith walk was discovering who my enemy is and how he operates. Up until my March Around Jericho, I was clueless about the demonic realm and therefore completely vulnerable to a significant amount of activity the devil meant to destroy me, my marriage and all that I love.

Today, let’s have a look at the demonic realm and shed some light, light that will devastate that realm. What’s interesting to me is that 1/3 of the ministry of Jesus was in this area. He continually delivered people from evil spirits. Just read through the Gospels and grasp how Jesus demonstrated deliverance and remember His words to us as disciples:

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. —Matthew 10:8

This is our mandate as believers!

I’ve written about our enemy, his game plan, and how we step out of his control in the book. Please, please read it. Page 91.

But today, I’m sensing the Lord asking me to write about what I know about a specific demonic spirit that afflicts so many and is increasing right now in our culture.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been driving in your car and feel an overwhelming feeling in your mind that you want to crash your car into a block wall?

Well let me tell you that you aren’t alone. In fact, millions of people have felt this way. In fact, years ago when I was learning about the enemy and his tactics, I was researching about the spirit of Death, Spirit of Cain, and the spirit of Suicide. I did some research and reading and this very question was asked of me. I’d never had this thought, but I decided to ask my then, teenaged daughter this question.

“Ya, mom, I have.”

I immediately shared with her that this was a spirit speaking to her. I explained, if you even one time, make an agreement in your mind that life isn’t worth living or you would be better off if you went on to heaven, you immediately gave the spirit of death a foot hold in your life. This is because you have entered into agreement with one of the three primary ministries of hell, kill, steal, destroy (John 10:10)

Yes, this doesn’t sound fair but I promise you my years of experience with this issue affirms it’s true. And getting rid of this spirit is very difficult. Until you hear and believe the truth about how this spirit works then recognize that you came into agreement with it, even if you don’t feel like cashing in your chips now, it has a legal right to remain and torment you with thoughts of death.

However, once you become aware, that spirit is weakened immediately. And all you must do is repent and come into agreement with Jesus who came to give us what????? Life and life abundantly (John 10:10) then you can command that spirit to leave and never return.

Finally, if it persists, you MUST persist and then get help with prayer if needed.

I asked my daughter a few years later about having these thoughts, “No mom, not once.”


Jesus freed people 2,000 years ago and He’s still doing it today. So, what do you think. This is hardcore teaching but as the church, we can’t remain ignorant of the devil’s schemes. So, what are your thoughts?

LIVE with Chris Brooks on Monday Radio Today!

Marching Around Jericho Cover 3DIt’s an honor and privilege to share with the listeners on the Equipped show with Chris Books, Moody Radio, the amazing journey I took marching around Jericho and my unsaved spouse's faith journey. Chris is an amazing host and our conversation covered many aspects of living and praying for our unsaved spouses.

VISIT THE BROADCAST PAGE: Praying For Your Unsaved Spouse.
Chris Brooks & Lynn Donovan

The broadcast interview will be Tuesday, July 7 from 1 to 2 pm CENTRAL; 11- 12 NOON, PACIFIC time. Visit the station and listen in: Moody Radio

If you are new, grab your copy of Marching Around Jericho, and start your march this week. Also, visit our new here page and find our community. Leave a prayer request in the comments and we will pray for you. You can connect in a number of ways through the blog comments, on Facebook, Instagram.

If you want more information and free resources to help you on your march visit, Click on the Equipping center.

Chris brooks Equipped

I’m deeply thankful to Chris Brooks and Moody Radio for allowing me to share the hope I have. And to share that we can learn to love, live and thrive in faith and our marriages while we pray for our spouse’s salvation

Love and hugs, Lynn Donovan

Welcome to all who have come to this church without walls, to find love, encouragement and hope for your marriage. Please visit:

Start your march today,

You can find more of my Kingdom teaching at