
Labor Day

Labor Day 2021America pauses this long weekend to remember the laborers. 

Our Father in heaven always remembers the laborers. And His heart is always with all of us labor. 

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27

I pray you find a few days to rest from your labor. It is from a place of rest that a Child of God becomes free, powerful and fulfilled. Rest in Him.

This weekend my son, wife and granddaughters are visiting. BEACH DAY! One last time before we head to Oregon in October. 

For personal updates and to join me in our relocation story, watch for live video updates on Facebook, Lynn Donovan.

NEXT FRIDAY: PROPHETIC UPDATE..... I'll share the prophetic insight the Lord has shared with me about America and the worlds immediate future. It begins THIS October.

Stay tuned! God is on the move. he he he.... and so am I!!  Love you. Lynn

Donovan Update

SpiritualGiftsSeminarHello Friends,

How many of you have read or heard me speak about the transitions in the Kingdom of God? I hope all of you are aware of this interesting aspect of God's Kingdom and His timeline for our lives.

A quick recap.... Each year as Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur approach, I've noted a pattern. Rosh Hashana is the beginning of the Jewish Calendar year. The ancient time line of God's children. This marks the end of the past year and I find that several aspects of my life come to a close during this time.

Significant assignments, relationships, things we want out of our lives and at times things we are sad to let loose. But regardless, I see God close out, remove or change my life purpose, employment, relationships and more during September. This is approximately when the year draws down to a close.

Then with Yom Kippur, I'm convinced we receive new assignments. And these are often answers to long held prayers, dreams we have held in our hearts, new relationships, employments, changes in location and more. The Jewish tradition is that on Yom Kippur the Lord takes an account of your life over the past year, then assigns and released new assignments to us that begin in October. 

Well I think I'm in the middle of watching this happen again in my life in real time. So, I have more to share with you next week about all of it.

For today, I want you to consider what the Lord might be bringing to a close in your life right now. And if you are struggling to let go of something He is asking of you, pray into this. Because I promise GOOD stuff is ahead.

Also don't forget to register for the Spiritual Gifts Seminar. It's going to be fantastic. Next Thursday. And if you can't make it, you will receive the recording. Hugs. 

In this seminar you can expect:

  • Biblical teaching about supernatural gifts
  • Defining the difference between gifts and how they manifest in an individual.
  • Discover your gifting set. 
  • Discover your children's gifts, your spouse. 
  • Exercises to continue to develop supernatural gifts.
  • Pray to reactivate your gifting, cleanse it from demonic interference and dedicate it to God.

There is new material in this class that isn't in most teaching on the Gifts of the Spirit.

This will be a one hour Zoom seminar on August 26, 2021 at 11 am PACIFIC. The live seminar will offer you the most effective portion of our prayer time. However, if you are unable to attend, you will receive the video. All purchasers will receive the video link after the seminar. 

Sign up now. $10 for the class. Live Q&A at the end. Come with your questions. I can't wait to help you launch into your gifts. Hugs, Lynn

Click on the Buy Now button.

Blocks To Supernatural Healing - #1

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comAs we meander this healing road, I want you to know I received a good report about the bump on my chest. I’m living out this healing teaching right in front of you. I partner with all of you for your healing and we shall see the goodness of God in the land of the Living.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. PSALM 27:13

There are a number of things that keep God’s people from stepping into divine healing and health. I want to share a few of them today:

Ignorance: Many, MANY believers are truly ignorant about God’s Word about healing.

Therefore, my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; those of high rank will die of hunger     and the common people will be parched with thirst. ISAIAH: 5:13

We lack so much information and Kingdom knowledge. And it’s understanding that leads to faith and belief. Which render the scriptures powerless to His people. The Israelites were in bondage because of their lack of knowledge. This absolutely remains true today.

I find this is because most believers lack the zeal to pursue the Word with in depth study and mostly without the Holy Spirit. It’s always easiest to only receive what the pastor shares on a Sunday morning. But for those who hunger and thirst, they will find all they are looking for. I’ve found all power that comes from on High is the result of an unquenchable hunger to know God intimately and with greater intensity. That is a promise.

Also, Christians are ignorant of God’s will. NOW HEAR ME RIGHT NOW. If you don’t take anything else from this teaching, please, PLEASE, take this with you.

God always, ALWAYS desires to heal.

God never, EVER, causes illness.

These two belief systems are crucial for divine healing. And these two truths will confront and offend many in the Christian church.

So, I have much more to say on this, we will pick this up next time as we need a deep dive to explain these.

I love you my fellow Kingdom Marchers. Health is ours and let us not settle for anything, but the best Jesus died to provide.

Hugs, Lynn

Next up. My recent discovery regarding healing. It’s new revelation to me that has changed the way I view healing, in fact, how I view all supernatural intervention.

Stay tuned. I adore you. Lynn

Kingdom Health

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comHello Warriors of God,

Let’s continue our discussion about healing. I know it’s been a few weeks since I shared with you that I’m traveling some health challenges. And again, thank you everyone who shared your prayer requests. It confirms what I’m finding in the body of Christ, many have been set upon by health challenges.

I wonder if you are aware that there are vast and varying degrees of theological and faith beliefs regarding healing within the Christian church at large. There are entire denominations that truly believe that supernatural healing and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased with the first century church. If you know me at all, you know I don’t belong to this camp. And if you are a regular reader here, it’s likely you are convinced that Jesus heals supernaturally today. But the rub is; that throughout Christendom, the positions regarding supernatural healing are as diverse as the people.

From this point forward all my teaching is coming from a place of this: Jesus still heals today and He works through His people on earth. He also can and will supernaturally heal a person.

So, our responsibility is to gain as much knowledge about His healing ministry as we can and then apply it to our faith life. Choose to believe healing is for us today. Finally, never relent in pursuit of the highest and best in health, DIVINE HEALTH. This is the Kingdom inheritance that belongs to children of God.

With this end-goal in mind, we must also confront the obvious question, if Jesus heals, why am I ill?

Ahhhhhh, now we are getting somewhere.

There are a number of reasons or barriers to health and healing. We will discuss those in this teaching series and learn how to confront them. We will also share testimonies of supernatural healing. We MUST share these testimonies for two reasons. 1.) Testimony literally means: Do it again. And 2.) We are offered an opportunity to springboard off a testimony to receive what God has done for another in His Kingdom.

How cool is that?

So, today, I want to share my supernatural healing testimony. After that we will cover barriers to healing.

Several years ago in mid-spring, I was in my suburban backyard garden. At the time I was using my rototiller to cultivate the very hard dirt in the garden and to dislodge all the palm tree roots. They are the bane of my existence. I hate those trees. Every home around my garden is growing them and they are very invasive and take up valuable root space. Okay, you probably didn’t need to know that. *grin*


While tilling, I was working to control the beastly machine but it slipped a bit and connected with the surrounding block wall. Immediately I was thrown backward and slammed my right wrist against the block wall. I stood up and pain shot through my arm. The swelling began immediately.

“Mike, Mike……”  I find him in the front yard and say, “You need to drive me to the hospital.”

Long story, short. It was sprained not broken. But it was a mess.

AND it continued to be a mess even weeks later. I was in pain and it never regained strength. Six months later, no improvement. It was so weak I wasn’t able to lift my purse with that hand.

So, I finally arrange an MRI.

Indeed, there was damage within my wrist, and I needed surgery. The earliest available surgical appointment was December 7th. By this time, it was fall in California.

I headed off to Open Heavens in Redding where I received prayer for my wrist. And this is where it happened.

A prayer team comprised of an older, white haired, woman and two young men, prayed. They gently held their hand over my wrist and simply commanded the wrist to be healed. They prayed a few more things and then…..

I began to feel heat and tingling in my wrist. I was so shocked, I just stared for a minute. BUT then I realized Jesus was healing my wrist and it was happening right in front of my own eyes and I could feel it.

I started shouting right there in the auditorium, very loudly, jumping up and down.

Okay, I knew something had happened that day but holding my purse remained impossible.

However, ….. this post has already gone long. So the rest of the story on Monday. See you then. Love and hugs, Lynn

Where do you need healing. Type it in the comments and say: Jesus, it is written that you heal. I declare you are healing _____________ right now. In Your powerful name, Jesus. AMEN

Cleansing Curses and Bloodlines

Freedom Lynn Donovan Ministries
Freedom Is Yours In Christ

Hi Warriors of God,

Do you wonder why you pray and yet still deal with a repetitive sin issue. Have you wondered why your family always lives from paycheck-to-paycheck? Is it puzzling that your children are now suffering with the exacts same physical, mental and emotional issues you have battled all your life?

Would you like to understand the Biblical concept of curses and bloodline sins?

Well, this seminar is for you!  Hallelujah because gaining this knowledge will ABSOLUTELY change things in your life.

In this seminar you can expect:

  • Biblical teaching about curses, bloodline and blood significance
  • Discussion includes, witchcraft & sorcery, sins of the fathers, the spiritual "legal" realm, our rights as the redeemed of Christ. And the power of the blood of the Lamb!
  • You will take an inventory of your life and uncover hidden legal rights the enemy holds against you and your family
  • Gain a prayer model to become free of the oppression
  • PRAY an actual and POWERFUL prayer to see immediate results

This will be a one hour Zoom seminar on June 24, 2021 at 11 am PACIFIC. The live seminar will offer you the most effective portion of our prayer time. However, if you are unable to attend, you will receive the video. All purchasers will receive the video link after the seminar. 

Sign up now. Jesus is on the move and His followers MUST be cleansed and empowered. Hugs, Lynn

$10.00 for the class and this will support the Online Domain Registry. THANK YOU!!