
A Brother Like Jesus

Volleyball spikeCredit: Getty Images

Jeanne here!  In my prayer time this morning Jesus was telling me (and all of us), “Rise up, rise up and rule! Take the seat that has been purchased and prepared for you.” The things he was saying were quite remarkable, and I will talk about them in another post.

But as I was writing down his words, he gave me a picture, a memory of something that illustrates who he is and what he needs us to do.  It’s not what you think!

A little context might help you understand.  I am the second-youngest of 12 siblings, spread in age over more than 20 years.  Throughout my childhood I had siblings who were adults and teenagers.  On Sundays in the summer, a handful of my siblings’ friends would join us and we would play volleyball on the front lawn.  We had a volleyball net that would be set up for the games, and we used a garden hose to mark the boundaries of the “court.”

I don’t know how anyone else decided which team to play on, but I’d always want to be on my oldest brother’s team, because we would be sure to win.  He wasn’t a flashy player or a ball hog; he certainly didn’t win every point.  But somehow he always managed to be in the right place at the right time.  If the ball was on our side and about to drop to the ground, my brother would sacrifice his body for the ball (as the saying goes) and dive across the court to put his fist between the ball and the earth, giving us another chance to get it over the net.

I have vivid memories of myself as a little kid, small and uncoordinated, but wanting to play and wanting to win.  There were bigger people all around me, but my brother seemed always to be nearby.  If the ball came to me, he’d let me hit it, and then he would swoop in and take whatever feeble effort I managed and turn it into a real hit.  He clearly wanted to win, but he never scolded or excluded those of us who weren’t athletic.

What Jesus showed me this morning is that he is just like my volleyball-playing brother.  He is always nearby.  He doesn’t take over and do it all for us, but he takes whatever we are able to do and turns it into victory.  Our most important play is to choose to be on his side in every game we play. 

At that time the disciples came up and asked Jesus, Who then is [really] the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And He called a little child to Himself and put him in the midst of them, and said, Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change, turn about) and become like little children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all].  Whoever will humble himself therefore and become like this little child [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving] is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.     (Matthew 18:1-4, Amplified)

This is so counter to our culture, where we each want to be independent and in charge. But we can’t win the game, or the battle against the enemy, in our own strength.  Jesus wants us to be trusting, lowly, loving, and forgiving, and he will make us great in his kingdom!

God's Heart for Kingdom Writers

In November I spoke at the Mount Hermon Writers Retreat. I share with the audience what the Lord revealed to me about Kingdom writers. I want to share that with you today. Blessings, Lynn

135037970_10160494802758332_8777818351789899330_nIn 2017 the Lord spoke to me often through my journaling. I wrote down what he was telling me and many of my journals became devotions that were published in my local city’s newspaper. Eventually I collected them into a book. Kingdom Conversations.

In preparation to speak to the writers at the retreat, I sat once again with my journal as I was curious what God really thought about us writers. I waited with my pen ready. As a readied writer and asked the Father a question.

I was undone by the immediate and passionate response to my question.

Listen in as we have a conversation with our Father in heaven.

Q: Father, what is your heart for writers?

He replied: Kingdom writers are the echo of my voice. Their lives and their stories are lived out on pages of books…. And these pages reflect my love, healing, truth, wisdom and goodness. Their written words reflect my Son. Because their story, their books, lead to redemption.

Then He went on….. Encourage these special creatives of the Kingdom to write from their hearts, write of their love and faith.

Then He said tell them to be vulnerable. Sharing your real, story, the good, bad and ugly in light of redemption is where we connect with others. And connection is family. It is love, and it is eternal.

He said: Be brave. It takes courage to write with vulnerability. But know that you are not standing alone. I am always with you. The Holy Spirit is with you. The angels have been assigned to protect and assist you. And a great cloud of witnesses is watching, and all are cheering you forward. (I could see in my mind the saints and relatives, who passed on cheering the loudest.)

Be the path-maker: Show your readers the pathway through the weeds, the briars and the traps of the enemy. Show them the hidden way through pain, confusion, and loss. Show them what freedom looks like. They look to you for the truth to lead them forward through the darkness into the light and into hope. Help them to take My hand when they can’t see past the diagnosis, the divorce, the broken dreams and all that seems hopeless.

Be the teacher: You, my Kingdom writers, teach my people to dream again. Teach them my holy Word. Restore their broken identity and lost purpose. Reveal the many promises I’ve given to them and that I stand behind them in the trenches. Instruct them in the holy ways that they emerge from deception and find release from the snares of lies and the mire of untruth. Reveal how truth changed your life and will also change their lives. Lead them to discover that a broken heart becomes healed and made whole in the light and love of Jesus Christ. Lead them from fear into safety and stability. You can lead them because you have walked the path of humility and service. You are readied and prepared to direct the many through your example of compassion and love in action.

Be a friend: Laugh together, giggle, make your readers smile and anticipate the goodness of life through Jesus, my son. Introduce them to a way of living that is outside of selfishness and worldly pursuits. Please show my people that living life identified as a son or daughter of God, is the highest and best life and fully attainable now, not just in heaven.

Hold my sons and daughters when they are sad. Celebrate their victories. Always, always, always write to give them HOPE. Encourage their faith. Write words that inspire them to love Me and love others with a full heart.

My Beloved Kingdom Scribe, this writer’s call that you are walking out is a renowned high and holy calling. It is only for a chosen few. Your words echo my heart for a lost and broken world.

Kingdom writer, you determine to live out my truths, then write about your experience and my faithfulness. Then share your words and illuminate Me and My love. Illuminate my son, Jesus, he will save them.

Kingdom writers, as your Father, I commend you. Thank you for giving from the depths of your pain, your hope, and your struggle. Thank you for pouring out yourself.

Your words bring me honor and glory.

Well done good and faithful servant. Now go and share your gifts and talents with the world.

  • Be vulnerable
  • Be brave
  • Be authentic
  • Be a path maker
  • Be a teacher
  • Be a leader
  • Be a friend

Your book is my book. Your words are an echo of my heart.

Let’s pray:

Father, I take up Your charge and declare today thatI will fulfill our high and holy calling. We will write to reflect your love. Father when uncertainty, frustration, or fear of rejection tries to speak doubt into my purpose, I ask you to remind me who I am and whose I am and that one written word and change a life, can save a life.

Today I determine to share the hope we have with the world. Stir up an unquenchable passion to write and speak your truth. Let me become a hope bearer to bring illumination to the path less traveled that others may find their way. Bless me as we write. Place your creativity upon my heart, mind and let your words flow onto the screen.

Father, thank you for establishing me as a Kingdom scribe. In Jesus name.

Please stand:

Today, let's make a stand and declaration. REPEAT AFTER ME, ALOUD:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I am committed to reveal your kingdom to others. I will write and speak Your truths. I will be a hope bearer and teach others to love. I will share my story with vulnerability and courage. I will come alongside people as a friend with humility. I will point them to healing, honor, and joy as a leader to the pathway of freedom.

I declare myself a Kingdom writer. In Jesus name. AMEN

November 2022

Abiding Presence and the Manifest Presence of God

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comLynn Donovan here....

This is Part II in the series: Christ In Me

Read Part I (here).

Since my last post I’ve been seriously practicing the abiding Presence of Christ within. I focus on a few scriptures and I read aloud a looooooong statement of faith several times each week. This statement of faith is based upon scriptural truths. When I read these promises and truths this is what is happening to me.

  1. I refocus on the absolute truth about who God says I am and who He says He is.
  2. I am then reminded about everything that has ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED for me.
  3. I speak the truths out loud to put the demons on notice that if they mess with me, I will set them on fire and their butts will be handed to them!!!!!!!
  4. I’m dispelling doubts that may be intruding based upon my current experience.
  5. I’m embracing truths that I build my faith upon and then rest anticipating positive outcomes.
  6. I stir my spirit into belief.
  7. I then step into faith with belief for the miraculous.
  8. I begin to practice my faith by speaking aloud my expectations through commands just as Jesus models.
  9. I banish all thoughts of doubt, unbelief and FEAR.
  10. I then set my mind to expect the unfolding of what I have released from my authority in Christ Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

All of this process is in acknowledgement of the truth that Christ Jesus and the holy Spirit lives WITHIN ME. I am never alone. Christ lives with me. He is always available. I can hear His voice and I lean on His leadings.

Now, is this a process? Yes, some days I walk down this path of faith fairly quickly. Others, I battle against, fear, doubts and the circumstances of life. I battle the demonic who wants me to believe something other than the divinely inspired Word of God.

I’m finding these battles are fewer than in the past and my realignment with truth occurs much more quickly as I take thoughts captive to Christ.

So, this is the result.

Currently I’m battling a bump that appeared on my face near an incision line where cancerous cells were removed two years ago. I am commanding, believing, proclaiming and demanding complete healing. In Jesus name. Always, ALWAYS, in Jesus name. I have no authority outside of Christ but when I’m walking in belief and faith I contain tremendous amounts of power and authority.

I will, I WILL........ see this bump disappear before I arrive at the dermatologist. I want a dermatologist to tell me there is nothing there. That appointment is about a month out.

Interestingly, I was in a prayer session Monday, and as I prayed along with someone else, the nodule bust open and the pain lessened immediately.


Okay, this post has already gone way to long. I will share in the future more regarding the manifest presence of God (and it's good). But next time, I need to tell you what happened when I began to pray in October about my hands!!!!!!

Stay tuned! Stories of the Kingdom of God are flying off my fingers.

I LOVE JESUS SO MUCH!!!  I love you so much also. Blessings and hugs, Lynn

Want To Heal Yourself and Others? - Step Into This Truth of the Word!

John 14 23Today, I want to charge right into a religious demon.

Yep, I’m pretty much over small talk at this point in my life *grin*. I want to talk about REAL things that TRULY matter.

I’m in a new and significant learning curve. Six months ago, Father took me through the entire Bible and revealed the truth (and the lies) about the end times passages. It was one of the most revelatory seasons of my life. I have such peace about the end of the age, the rapture, the church and this world. Thank you, Lord.

Today, I want to challenge what I believe the church in general, believes about the Presence of God. And this is without condemnation. But here it is:

Scripture teaches:

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. ROMANS 8:9-10

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. JOHN 14:23

To whom God was pleased to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. COLOSSIANS 1:27

Okay, I’m mostly talking to myself now, but I’ve been captive to an error mindset. I know that in seasons past, I would pray things like, “Jesus, please show up. Jesus, bring Your Presence. Lord, I need you to come to me and show me what to do next. Jesus, where are you?”

Also, I’ve participated and joyfully sang worship lyrics that are calling for Jesus, and/or The Presence to “come down.”

Now, I’m not placing any condemnation upon myself or anyone else that has prayed or sang similarly. Yet, the Lord is revealing a deception to me that I didn’t understand prior to now.

Here it is: Christ LIVES in me.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” GALATIANS 2:20

Now I know we all have read this passage many times, but do we TRULY believe it? Because when you begin to truly catch the revelation of this truth…… IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!

We ALWAYS have God in us. Christ dwells in us. The Holy Spirit lives IN us. Father is in us because Christ and the Father are one. We are one together with Christ.

Wow wee!

Now take a minute to think this through. When we truly BELIEVE the Word of God and begin to comprehend that God is in us, and we don’t need to wait for Him to show up to bring healing, wisdom, salvations, help, and rescue, blessings, etc……, we arise to a new level of power and authority in Christ.

This means…..

RIGHT NOW: I am healed, in Jesus name.

RIGHT NOW: I am free of addictions, fear, anxiety, and small living.

RIGHT NOW: I have access to the Father’s provision because He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

RIGHT NOW: I AM FREE from demonic oppression, petty friendships, stupid concerns of this earth, and what others think about me.

RIGHT NOW: I’m free to live authentically and wholly as created by God.

This also means……

RIGHT NOW: I carry the Son of the Living God within. The weight of this fathomless truth pushes me to greater honor, respect, and reverence.

RIGHT Now: My selfish and petty desires are insignificant to the lavish riches of my inheritance and the blessings that are mine, right now, on earth as it is in heaven.

RIGHT NOW: Humility and worship empower my prayers to lead others into freedom and truth.

RIGHT NOW: I feel coursing through my body, the potential of the untapped power source as well as the preeminent authority I carry as a daughter of Yahweh!

RIGHT NOW: Absolute devotion and surrender are the only response!

My friends, something is happening. I can feel the God of the ages alive in me. I want to rush to Walmart and pray for everyone strolling the produce isle. I want to meet the postman at the door and ask to lay hands on him. I am compelled to stop living in lazy comfort and to bring Christ into every interaction, all my days and night, into my church, my family, all my conversations and to become what Christ has promised to those who believe:

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become (powerful and authoritative) children of God— JOHN 1:12

I DON’T NEED TO CALL God to come down. I will no longer wait until I feel His manifest Presence because He is alive in me. All. The. Time. Forever.

When we begin to truly walk in this reality, we will start to live like Christ Jesus. And that is what our original design demands. As a result of living fully in this reality of these promises and truths, we will….

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. MATTHEW 10:8

Next time you find yourself signing a song asking for God to come down, smile to yourself and call to your mind, “Christ is in me. He is already here. I carry Him with me, so what do I have to fear.”

Next Post: Difference between abiding presence and the manifest presence of God.

Okay, thoughts? See you in the comments. I love you. Walk TALL! Christ LIVES IN YOU! Hugs, Lynn

Seated in the Heavenlies

The-throne-of-graceImage credit

Jeanne here.  Last June (2021) I had a strong leading from Holy Spirit to learn what it means to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places.  Over the course of the next 7 months, the topic was brought to my mind many, many times.  But I never sat down and studied it out.

God (in his mercy) did not wait until I got around to studying it.  After work last night, I was making supper (tater tot hotdish – shout-out to my Minnesota readers!) Pandora was playing a contemporary Christian song that I’ve heard dozens of times before.  Suddenly I was struck with powerful revelation… it’s hard to put the experience into words. I stood in my kitchen weeping, and when I had pulled myself together, I grabbed the nearest piece of paper – a grocery list – and wrote down what I suddenly knew:

We are seated on the mercy seat with Jesus.  We can extend his mercy, grace, and forgiveness to our fellow humans.  We can exercise his authority over the demonic.  We can calm the storm and move the mountain.  We can heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons.  IT IS FINISHED.

Yesterday morning I believed all these things were true because God’s word says so. But now I know they are true in every cell of my body.  There’s nothing left to wait for.  It’s time for us, if we call ourselves followers of Jesus, do what he told us to do.  He gave us everything we need.  We are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. As the Father sent Jesus, now Jesus sends us.  We are sent to preach the kingdom of God and to take back all the ground that the enemy has stolen. 

We are simultaneously seated in the heavenly realm with Jesus and walking this earth in physical bodies.  We must do the work of Jesus, to carry out his will and enforce his decrees, because we – believers -- are the only body he has on earth now.  We must preach the gospel.  We must comfort the brokenhearted. We must declare freedom from darkness for those bound by the chains of deception. We must bind every lying spirit of suicide, depression, anxiety, lost identity, and fear.  We must loose the Spirit of love, mercy, and forgiveness.  We have been given the ministry of reconciliation, not just a cessation of hostility, but rather bringing people back into an intimate relationship with the God who created them and has loved them from the beginning of time.

There is much talk these days of the end times.  In Matthew chapters 24 and 25 Jesus talks about the signs of his return, and also what he expects of us in the meantime.  He repeatedly warns us to be ready.  If you knew Jesus was coming next week, what would you do?  If you knew Jesus was coming in a year, what would you do?  It seems many of us, including myself, have been concerned with all sorts of things that won’t matter a bit when Jesus returns.  I am haunted by Luke 18:8: Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

The conflict between the kingdom of God and the powers of darkness is not some spectator sport.  There is no point in sitting on the sidelines, cheering for good and decrying evil. That’s not what Jesus meant when he told us to announce the kingdom, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons.  We aren’t seated in the heavenlies with him so we can have a better view of the game!

There is a fire in me that wasn’t there yesterday, and I pray it lights you up too.  One of my former instructors says, “Don’t worry about what people will think if you don’t get it exactly right. If you’re on fire for Jesus, they’ll come watch you burn.”  I pray Holy Spirit fire falls on everyone who reads this.  I pray that wisdom, discernment, and above all the incomprehensible love of God fills your hearts and minds.

I’d love you to share in the comments what you would do differently if you knew Jesus was coming on a particular day in the near future, or what it means to you to be seated in the heavenly realms with him. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.