Enforcer- Spiritual Warfare for the Unequally Yoked

Do Christians Worship Idols?

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverOne concept that is truly life changing and yet also difficult to swallow as a believer, is modern-day idol worship. Indeed, worshiping a statue seems unlikely in today's day and age. Yet, when you really unpack what is written in the Bible regarding idols, you will uncover the truth about idols and how the demonic realm is covertly offering up a false god to us over Yahweh.

In fact in Spiritual Enforcer is dedicate chapter 9 to this topic. 


Because if there is idol worship in our lives, it weakens our authority in Christ and the power we weild through the Holy Spirit.


Because, literally, we are in a partnership with a demonic power instead of covenant with God. 

Sound simple, yet it's not. The deceptions are vast and I find many exist right within some of our own churches. 

This was a very difficult chapter for me to share because it will really call people out about their beliefs regarding certain activities. AND many Christians will be offended. OFFENDED! I tell you. But, if you are serious and want deliverance, freedom and power, you must walk through this chapter and the lists that I provide at the back of the book.

Additionally, right along with idol worship is truth I didn't include in the book regarding "the uncovering of the nakedness" found in Leviticus 18. If we truly understood this passage and it's ramifications, the world would be a different place. I will likely include this teaching in the video training to come.

Okay, these are my thoughts today. So, my question is this, how offended did you feel when you read chapter 9? See you in the comments. Lynn

Donate Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday BluePlease bless Three Keys Ministry today as part of Giving Tuesday. 

Here are the options. The give button is below. 

To keep TKM ministries running, it takes about $6,000 annually. And we had some large donners drop off last year. So, please, PLEASE, pray and give with a generous heart if you have found any help or encouragement through our ministry. Lynn

Four levels of giving:

One: Any one-time donation of $30

  • Advanced copy of Enforcer: Spiritual Warfare for the Unequally yoked. Ephesians Six. This is prior to the release to the general public.

Three dots dash braceletTwo: Any one-time donation of $50 or more you receive:

  • Advanced copy of Enforcer.
  • Also, I'll mail a beautiful bracelet, Three Dots and a dash. It plays prominently in the book. You will want one. It's adjustable and light weight. Custom made for us!

Three: Any one-time donation of $100 you receive:

  • Advance copy of Enforcer
  • Three Dots and dash bracelet
  • Video Training in early 2024 with me, Lynn Donovan. Enforcer Academy Training. This teaching is based upon the concepts in the book and will instruct how to protect your mind, your body, your house and family from evil attacks. How to cast of evil from your jurisdiction. How to release the Kingdom of God into any situation. 
  • Training on how we walk into the abundant life regardless of our spouse, our circumstances or background.
  • Training includes the most common areas that keep Christians bound up and how to get free and experience VICTORY!
  • Training includes specifics and Q & A. 
  • THIS MAY BE ONE TO FOUR VIDEO SERIES. I haven't sorted that out yet.

FOUR: Any ***RECURRING*** (BEST OFFER) donation of $25 or more. This is a monthly commitment of $25 monthly for 12 months.

  • Advance copy of Enforcer. You will receive the book before anyone else.
  • Three Dots and dash bracelet
  • Video Training in early 2024 from me.
  • Personal one-on-one prayer session or training with Lynn in 2024. This can be used to ask questions to further understanding and practice the concepts from Enforcer. Also, for healing or deliverance, to pray in the Courts of Heaven for our spouse's freedom, etc.

Donate button will take you to our donation portal. Please choose either a one-time or recurring, when you make your donation.


Giving Tuesday Three Keys Ministries

Giving Tuesday Three Keys Ministries

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Please be generous and give to our SUM Community. The ministry falls under the umbrella of Three Keys Ministries a 501 (c)3 non-profit Corporation. Donations are tax deductible.

Donation go LIVE tomorrow. See you then. Love and blessings, Lynn Donovan & Ann Hutchison