
God's Heart for Kingdom Writers

In November I spoke at the Mount Hermon Writers Retreat. I share with the audience what the Lord revealed to me about Kingdom writers. I want to share that with you today. Blessings, Lynn

135037970_10160494802758332_8777818351789899330_nIn 2017 the Lord spoke to me often through my journaling. I wrote down what he was telling me and many of my journals became devotions that were published in my local city’s newspaper. Eventually I collected them into a book. Kingdom Conversations.

In preparation to speak to the writers at the retreat, I sat once again with my journal as I was curious what God really thought about us writers. I waited with my pen ready. As a readied writer and asked the Father a question.

I was undone by the immediate and passionate response to my question.

Listen in as we have a conversation with our Father in heaven.

Q: Father, what is your heart for writers?

He replied: Kingdom writers are the echo of my voice. Their lives and their stories are lived out on pages of books…. And these pages reflect my love, healing, truth, wisdom and goodness. Their written words reflect my Son. Because their story, their books, lead to redemption.

Then He went on….. Encourage these special creatives of the Kingdom to write from their hearts, write of their love and faith.

Then He said tell them to be vulnerable. Sharing your real, story, the good, bad and ugly in light of redemption is where we connect with others. And connection is family. It is love, and it is eternal.

He said: Be brave. It takes courage to write with vulnerability. But know that you are not standing alone. I am always with you. The Holy Spirit is with you. The angels have been assigned to protect and assist you. And a great cloud of witnesses is watching, and all are cheering you forward. (I could see in my mind the saints and relatives, who passed on cheering the loudest.)

Be the path-maker: Show your readers the pathway through the weeds, the briars and the traps of the enemy. Show them the hidden way through pain, confusion, and loss. Show them what freedom looks like. They look to you for the truth to lead them forward through the darkness into the light and into hope. Help them to take My hand when they can’t see past the diagnosis, the divorce, the broken dreams and all that seems hopeless.

Be the teacher: You, my Kingdom writers, teach my people to dream again. Teach them my holy Word. Restore their broken identity and lost purpose. Reveal the many promises I’ve given to them and that I stand behind them in the trenches. Instruct them in the holy ways that they emerge from deception and find release from the snares of lies and the mire of untruth. Reveal how truth changed your life and will also change their lives. Lead them to discover that a broken heart becomes healed and made whole in the light and love of Jesus Christ. Lead them from fear into safety and stability. You can lead them because you have walked the path of humility and service. You are readied and prepared to direct the many through your example of compassion and love in action.

Be a friend: Laugh together, giggle, make your readers smile and anticipate the goodness of life through Jesus, my son. Introduce them to a way of living that is outside of selfishness and worldly pursuits. Please show my people that living life identified as a son or daughter of God, is the highest and best life and fully attainable now, not just in heaven.

Hold my sons and daughters when they are sad. Celebrate their victories. Always, always, always write to give them HOPE. Encourage their faith. Write words that inspire them to love Me and love others with a full heart.

My Beloved Kingdom Scribe, this writer’s call that you are walking out is a renowned high and holy calling. It is only for a chosen few. Your words echo my heart for a lost and broken world.

Kingdom writer, you determine to live out my truths, then write about your experience and my faithfulness. Then share your words and illuminate Me and My love. Illuminate my son, Jesus, he will save them.

Kingdom writers, as your Father, I commend you. Thank you for giving from the depths of your pain, your hope, and your struggle. Thank you for pouring out yourself.

Your words bring me honor and glory.

Well done good and faithful servant. Now go and share your gifts and talents with the world.

  • Be vulnerable
  • Be brave
  • Be authentic
  • Be a path maker
  • Be a teacher
  • Be a leader
  • Be a friend

Your book is my book. Your words are an echo of my heart.

Let’s pray:

Father, I take up Your charge and declare today thatI will fulfill our high and holy calling. We will write to reflect your love. Father when uncertainty, frustration, or fear of rejection tries to speak doubt into my purpose, I ask you to remind me who I am and whose I am and that one written word and change a life, can save a life.

Today I determine to share the hope we have with the world. Stir up an unquenchable passion to write and speak your truth. Let me become a hope bearer to bring illumination to the path less traveled that others may find their way. Bless me as we write. Place your creativity upon my heart, mind and let your words flow onto the screen.

Father, thank you for establishing me as a Kingdom scribe. In Jesus name.

Please stand:

Today, let's make a stand and declaration. REPEAT AFTER ME, ALOUD:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I am committed to reveal your kingdom to others. I will write and speak Your truths. I will be a hope bearer and teach others to love. I will share my story with vulnerability and courage. I will come alongside people as a friend with humility. I will point them to healing, honor, and joy as a leader to the pathway of freedom.

I declare myself a Kingdom writer. In Jesus name. AMEN

November 2022

Declare THIS Aloud and Then Watch What Happens

Jesus Is King (1)JESUS IS LORD!

Today is my freedom day! Freedom in my mind, thoughts, body, soul. My spirit is free in You. You are God, Yahweh, The Creator and giver of life.


Life abundant because Jesus is Lord of me. I declare Jesus is Lord over my will, my emotions, my time and my purposes. He Lord over my house, all future homes and dwellings, my finances and Lord over ALL provision.

Jesus is Lord over my future, my giftings, callings and mindsets. Jesus is Lord over my body, soul and spirit. My thoughts, my hope and all my joy. He is Lord over my health, and I live in Divine health. He is healer and over all my bodily functions, organs, bones, nerves, heart, pulmonary and my hormones.

Jesus is Lord over my efforts, my hopes, dreams and over my future. He is LORD over every disease, illness and every lie of the evil one. Jesus is also Lord over my husband and his health. He is LORD over cancer and all sickness. Cancer is a liar and defeated by His stripes. Jesus stripes heals my spouse, my kids, my bloodline and heals every issue of my flesh, especially cancer. I break all power of cancer, RIGHT NOW, in my husband and me and declare WE ARE CANCER FREE IN JESUS NAME.

Jesus is Lord! He is my love, my pursuit, my passion and my promise. He is my joy, goodness and example. He is the voice I follow and He is my leader. My King! I serve Him exuberantly, with humility and utter devotion. There is none above Him and He is my life. I adore Him, love Him, and acclaim him publicly.

Jesus is my rock, security, truth. He is my compass and answer to every question. He is my strength, my food and my laughter.

Jesus is Lord over my home, my city, my state and nation. He is preeminent, renown and ruler over all principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. He is MASTER over every galaxy and the entire universe. He reigns, sovereign, over all of creation; past, present and future.

His law is grace. His commandment is obedience and His reward is sonship. Peace, love and right living are His promises. He is wholeheartedness and the light of the world.

Jesus is kind, forgiveness is his mantle, mercy, healing, health and beauty are gifts from his bounty. His ways are light, fulfillment, authenticity and freedom.

Jesus is King!

(penned from my quiet time on Sunday, March 20, 2022: Lynn Donovan)

Cleansing Curses and Bloodlines

Freedom Lynn Donovan Ministries
Freedom Is Yours In Christ

Hi Warriors of God,

Do you wonder why you pray and yet still deal with a repetitive sin issue. Have you wondered why your family always lives from paycheck-to-paycheck? Is it puzzling that your children are now suffering with the exacts same physical, mental and emotional issues you have battled all your life?

Would you like to understand the Biblical concept of curses and bloodline sins?

Well, this seminar is for you!  Hallelujah because gaining this knowledge will ABSOLUTELY change things in your life.

In this seminar you can expect:

  • Biblical teaching about curses, bloodline and blood significance
  • Discussion includes, witchcraft & sorcery, sins of the fathers, the spiritual "legal" realm, our rights as the redeemed of Christ. And the power of the blood of the Lamb!
  • You will take an inventory of your life and uncover hidden legal rights the enemy holds against you and your family
  • Gain a prayer model to become free of the oppression
  • PRAY an actual and POWERFUL prayer to see immediate results

This will be a one hour Zoom seminar on June 24, 2021 at 11 am PACIFIC. The live seminar will offer you the most effective portion of our prayer time. However, if you are unable to attend, you will receive the video. All purchasers will receive the video link after the seminar. 

Sign up now. Jesus is on the move and His followers MUST be cleansed and empowered. Hugs, Lynn

$10.00 for the class and this will support the Online Domain Registry. THANK YOU!!


MARCH FORTH ON MARCH 4th... Make Your Declaration Here Today!

March 4th ROARPeople of God, it is NOW that we must MARCH FORTH releasing a prophetic motion from heaven. We must join the multitudes of believers who on this day will join together and roar. We join our voice to the Great Lion of Judah and roar over our nation.

We roar over our lost Prodigals. We roar over our ministry, finances, marriages and our health.

Today, ROAR your faith to the heavens. I literally believe you should go outside and raise your voice and decree the next move of God over America, other nations, your home, and relationships.

Decree that your nation is a nation of people who love God and follow Jesus, the Messiah. Shout to the devil his time is up. He is rebuked by God and must release your home, marriage, children, and finances. Put a demand upon heaven for the King of Justice to return the people to truth and to right-ness (righteousness). 

Below from your gut, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

Now, join me to state your decrees and make a public record for the spiritual realm to see in the comments. I will join you and echo your faith and your ROAR on this March 4th!! 

Hallelujah!!  I love you my friends. I love Jesus. Let's ROCK this world for the cause of Christ. Hugs, Lynn