Attributes of a mature son/daughter of God
Intimacy Opens the Gates of Heaven:
Tired of praying powerless prayers. There is a different way to pray, and it begins with first
fruits. This is a Must study to deepen your relationship with the Trinity. You will discover how to pray
Courts of Heaven:
What are the courts. How do we access them? Scripture backing for the courts. Protocols and
receiving favorable verdicts and enforcement of verdicts. Divine restraining orders and reversing
verdicts from the courts of hell. There is more to this area to be discovered and it’s an area of prayer
that is powerful and relatively new. I have several years (4) of experience entering the courts. This study
will be amazing.
Engaging the Angels:
Scriptural study. Understanding their function. Their destiny and how it’s tied to our own. Their power, authority, and purposes. The various types of the angelic. Interacting with the angelic. Engaging the angelic in your life, prayers, Courts and more. Listening and engaging with angels.
What are Demons?
Scriptural study. Jesus' interactions with the demonic. His ministry is our ministry. Our authority
in the demonic realm. The Occult. How that realm is in our lives and become free from it. Detecting
witchcraft. Defeating the demonic. Learning to deliver yourself and others from demons.
The Power of Your Voice:
The voice of a child of God can carry great power and authority. Discover how the devil has
stolen your voice and how to gain it back. Using your voice in cooperation with heaven.
Hearing God’s Voice:
Everyone can hear God. So why don’t we? We must learn how to tune in. Learn how to remove
blockages. Clear your ears and eyes. Develop your spiritual sight and sanctify your imagination. How to steward God’s voice and His words.
What is Divine Healing?
Physical healing is complex. There are several components that we must understand to step into this area of healing with Jesus. What is spiritual or merely physical? Understanding when we need to engage the power of the Holy Spirit for a creative miracle versus dealing with a demon of infirmity. What is divine health? How do we apprehend it for ourselves and others? How to pray for healing for our self and others.
Lifestyle of a Powerful Child of God:
What is it? What it isn’t. What this kind of life offers to us. How to achieve a consistent lifestyle
of a Child of God. (Everyone needs this training. You can’t step into greater realms in the Kingdom
without understanding this.)
Speaking in Tongues:
What is it. Why? How? What happens in the spiritual realm when we pray in our heavenly
prayer language? Activation if you want to receive this gift. What is an open heaven?
Gifts of the Spirit:
What is a Seer? What is the Seer realm? Who has this gift? How to seek and receive this gifting.
Proper protocols to operate in this gifting.
What is the Feeler gift? And Gifts of dreams and visions.
Prophetic Gifts:
What is a prophetic gift? Discover the differing manifestations of this gift. Learn how to step into this Holy Spirit gift. Understanding proper protocols and responsibilities when operating in this gift. Prophetic words, feelings, signs, dreams, visions, art and creativity. Connection with the Holy Spirit and the purpose of living from this gifting. Joy, hope, purpose, LOVE. And never violate love.
The Power of the Blood of Christ and Communion:
In this session we will learn about what really happened at the cross and what Jesus went through to bring us into the most powerful covenant offered to humanity. Communion is more than a mere symbol. We will explore the power behind communion as well. Also, covered is how we heal images in our mind.
Praying in the Throne Room:
Approaching the Mercy Seat. Attitudes, permissions, gates. The atmosphere. Who is there?
What God is doing? Jesus, Spirit and others. How we receive grace and mercy in His Presence.
Engaging The Words of God:
Recognizing the depths of God’s Word. Uncovering the treasures that belong to you in the Bible. How to apply the Word as a tool for victory and overcoming evil. How to claim the promises and watch them come into fruition in your life.
What is a Holiness lifestyle?
Is it obtainable today. How, what and when & where. The rewards of holiness and the
tremendous access it grants.
Overcome Illness:
The Word. Prayer. Communion. Practice. Belief. Kingdom principles of hope and persistence. How to pray for supernatural healing for yourself and others.
Kingdom Legalities:
Covenants, Contracts, hidden documents, blueprints, and the legalities of freedom and freeing those who are imprisoned.
Sexual Spirits: Incubi and Succubae:
Sexual spirits are rampant in our society and culture. Uncover how they gain entrance and how
to cast them out with all their effects. Sexual sin is covered, and you are provided with power and
authority to remove these plagues from your life and the lives of others.
The Devil’s Endgame: End-times
This topic is not for the faint of heart. Be ready to be “red pilled.” What is it? How is it operating
in the world right now? It’s prevalence in culture. The five steams of Luciferinsim. How do we counter
the plans of evil? How to become free of the entanglements. This topic is the last topic I’ll cover after we
have walked through the rest.
• Satanism
• Mormonism
• Freemasonry
• Catholicism
• Occult
Each of these areas of study, I have backed up with scripture. I have experience in them and offer what I know to you. As with any teaching, take what you learn. Take it all to Jesus and ask Him about it and to confirm with you what He is speaking about each topic.
Okay, this was a long read. Thanks for hanging in there. I can’t wait to talk with you about these topics
and help you to walk as mature Kingdom people. WE MUST BE READY. As our time is NOW.
Hugs, Lynn Donovan