The Christmas Story As Told From the Throne Room
The Christmas story as told from the Throne room.
My child, settle in with Me in this hour. Imagine yourself climbing upon My lap as a small child. You are welcome in My house, upon My Throne and into intimacy with Me.
Let me tell you a story.
Long ago, before you were born, My eyes observed the beautiful blue planet where My children were living out their assignments and discovering their eternal nature and destiny. They were pursuing My love and their lives were full, happy and abundant. My people loved one another well. My pride lived within the fathers on earth whose pursuit was to acquire a heart likened to Me. Mothers who nurtured My tender compassions unto their children and each other. The family lived in peace and joy, thriving in the atmosphere of heaven, as their babies played, carefree, among the streets and village vendors.
I looked upon their life and ballooned with love and pride as they lived, fully alive and free.
But, My child, as I beheld their glory and received their love and honor something else was at work. In the dark hours, a dragon, sleek and crafty positioned himself. Deception offered up to my peaceful people, the temptation of iniquity. The oily blackness that stains the bones and bowels with destruction, the retched poison of rebellion, tasted ever so slowly, sipped from the cup of wickedness. The inky blackness, once released permeated throughout the entire race. Passed along; father to son, mother to daughter. Silently at first, then gaining power through layers of lies until it ROARED with a stench of madness in the ears of all eternity.
My child, I wept.
I attended in my heart, in utter remorse, for the darlings of God that now endured the curses humanity brought upon themselves.
My child, let me wipe the tears from your kind eyes. I see the regret and sadness you bear for the people. But do not tarry in in this mourning.
One arose before My Throne as I looked upon the earth with grief. The LAMB of Sacrifice, Redemption and Restoration. He bowed deeply before Me. In complete obedience, yearning to serve My broken heart.
He removed His crown of glory, placed it before My throne at my feet. The implications stunning the Great Cloud of Witnesses and the angelic gasped. His surrender, an eternal positioning of humility as He resigned His royal position and superlative power.
Then in a twinkling of an eye.
A babe.
A babe rested in Bethlehem. Birthed in a meager stable into the care of a very young woman, a girl of innocence and great love. And also, thereto, a man of extraordinary courage and compelled with humility and submission to My heart. A man who cleaved to the girl and babe even in the face of public shaming.
A babe, who would endure horrific torture, scorn and mockery. My Son, the righteousness of God.
A babe, resting among the animals with only a donkey’s blanket as his royal covering. My Son, who commanded legions of warriors into battles of antiquity.
A babe, born without position or power, destined to live within meager means. My Son, surrendered His royalty, riches, his eternity, his will, and emotions.
A babe, human in every aspect to lead My people, you My child, out of the prison of iniquity, deliver you from the lies of fear.
A babe, an example of perfected love that cast out all fear.
My Son, Jesus, surrendered more than your human mind is capable to conceive this side of eternity. He willingly offered up His crown for you, your brothers and sisters, to lead you out of darkness and to bring you home.
Because of this babe, the entire earth reminisces each December, and again in early spring. Because of His sacrifice, you are here with Me now upon lap, hearing My voice.
The babe, Jesus, brought with Him many gifts from My Kingdom that are within your grasp. Gifts for life, healing, and deliverance. These are the real gifts of the season.
This babe, celebrated this December, is all you need for life and holiness.