
Who Wants some Video Teaching?

86474396_10159328771248332_6081245126414303232_nStarting in January, I will be offering some video teaching right here every other Monday. Please plan to listen in, take notes and then apply the truths.

The first video will be about our Identity in Christ. This will be taken from the book, Marching Around Jericho.

Here is the link to the website I mention: Equipping Warriors - Marching Around Jericho

SHARE IN THE COMMENTS YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT I TEACH: Ask me questions in the comments. I will answer and share what I know.    I'll see you there. Hugs, Lynn


Also here is a link to the declarations: Speak Truth

The Book of James

Book of James GraphicIn September Ann Hutchison, Martha Bush and I will be leading a study of the Book of James. This study is titled: Practical Faith. This Biblical foundation is a must in order to advance into greater realms of faith. 

It's a five-week study that will include a tiny bit of homework to reinforce the lessons shared and to help apply them to daily living. 

I'll share more details as September approaches and let you know how to sign up. 

Jesus is King!! Hugs, Lynn

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

A LIVE Bible Study. What Are Your Thoughts?

Want Your Feedback (1)Hi Everyone,

Lynn Donovan here. I'm considering offering a 10-week, LIVE Bible study through Zoom. We would study together the book of James. Everything in the book of James leads us to live the Christian life with success. 

My questions are below. Please respond in the comments. Please, please take a minute and share your thoughts. They are important to me. 

  1. I know you are likely tired of Zoom meetings, but would you tune in to Zoom for about an hour to an hour and a half?
  2. Would you be willing to commit a meeting once a week for ten weeks? 
  3. What areas of learning would help you? For example, finances, relationships, physical healing, prayer life, life balance. Please think about what you need and list as many as come to mind in the comments. There is NO condemnation. Let's study what we really need. 
  4. Should this study begin in August or September?

This study will be live only, no recordings. To get the good stuff you have to show up. Faith takes a commitment, but I promise you this. IT WILL BE GOOD STUFF. Training and info you won't get in church. Wisdom from heaven that will grow your faith and lead you into a better life.

Okay, See you in the comments. Thank you for taking time to share with me. Hugs, Lynn Donovan

Radio Interview: Equipped with Chris Brooks

For those who are working through Marching Around Jericho. Listen in today.

Equipped Chris BrooksSTOP praying powerless prayers for your unsaved spouse. Do you need encouragement. Practical help to THRIVE in your unequally yoked marriage? 

Listen in today, as I'm on the radio Broadcast, Equipped, with Chris Brooks. Dec 27th Noon to 1 PM CT. Here is the link: Equipped, with Chris Brooks, Guest: Lynn Donovan.



Book Cover 2 12 2021Guess what??

If you wanted either Kingdom Conversations or My Child Sees Monsters but were saving your pennies, now is your day. Both books are $8.99. Amazon has them on sale for their event. Below is a devotional from Kingdom Conversations. Order your copies today. Hugs, Lynn


He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 PETER 2:24

 My child, fear not! The enemy has petitioned to sort through you—even unto death.

However, his petitions have been denied in the heavenly courts this very hour. Although he has hit you hard, the accuser WILL—NOT—PREVAIL!

Kingdom Conversations New Cover July 27 2020For I have received the fruit of thy hands and count it as righteousness. Thusly, I have relayed unto you through the hands of the angelic forces the healing balm of Gilead. This oil is sent forth for your protection and healing.

Behold! I am delivering your healing now. Do not doubt. Do not listen to those who walk with fear. Their voices pour forth from the spirits of doom—gloom—and fear.

Take charge! Today, decree the promises of my hand. Set them as edicts over yourself. Stand upon them. Speak them. Pray them back to me. Arise daily bearing witness that your healing progresses into finality.

Worship in the House of the LORD! Tell of my wonders. Reveal my promises. Stand in faith with the communion of the saints. The blood that is sprinkled speaks a better word than that of Abel. The blood covenant is mercy, grace, forgiveness, healing, and your wholeness.

All is well, my child.

I call you my beloved. You walk in my favor, hope, truth, and power. Decree my purposes forward in your life. You shall see my faithfulness unto all your petitions. And many will glory because you chose to believe.

Blessed are you among many, beloved child. I carry you in the very palm of my hand—the Lord, the LORD, God Almighty!

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you (John 15:16).

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:1-5).

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

Jesus saith unto him, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked (John 5:8-9a).

A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill (Matthew 12:15b).

Today, in the name of Jesus, I set a decree over myself for the complete healing of my body. I ask for healing specifically _______________. Lord Jesus, by your name, blood, and authority, I stand upon the promises of God’s Word and in faith to see all my petitions come forth. Thank you, Jesus. I worship you, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN