Spiritual Warfare To Win

FB Effective Warfare Lynn DonovanHi Kingdom Warriors. Lynn Donovan here.

THIS IS THE MONTH. The book I was destined to write. Although this book is aimed to assist those who are married to an unbeliever, this book applies to our spiritual warfare in general. 

This book is for serious and mature believers. It is widely available on February 17, 2024. The teaching is built upon the principles that I covered in Marching Around Jericho. Most of you who are regular readers here on this blog have read that book and stand on the foundational pillars.

But I thought it would be good to review them again as we lead up to the launch of Spiritual Enforcer. 

Nicole and LuAnn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage will be leading a study of this content on our SUM FB Page and SUM Sisters Group. Check in there if you want to see how others are working through this study.

Today let’s talk about a foundational pillar that is a MUST have in order for effective warfare. In the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I share a significant amount of information regarding the demonic. This is who we are battling.

Today, let’s establish the Pillar of Intimacy with God. And we tackle the GREAT question: Is God Good? And if God is good why does bad things happen to good people?

Download PDF Field Guide → Goodness of God

Supernatural Prayer Over Home and Marriage

1 med Res Enforcer Front CoverI call on God to funnel down a pillar of fire into this house. As it expands from the within me and intensifies, I declare every curse, attack, demon, principality, ruler of the darkness, stronghold, and strong man will either face torment from Jesus or flee from it expanding.

I call on this Holy fire to burn up every unclean thing in its path in and around myself, my spouse, family, and in our dwelling place. May this fire expand to every border of this land that belongs to God, given to his son and daughter. May this pillar be set up as a permanent barrier on this property that nothing from the enemy can penetrate once it leaves or is cast to the pit. May its fuel be grace and mercy, so that even in a weak moment or mistake, there will be no opening to the outside.

Lord in the center of this pillar split open Heaven above as a portal above this house of the Lord. May your storehouse, vats, cisterns, wells, bowls, and vessels of oil and living water burst with an endless flow down on us and this land. Through this portal of Heaven, we commission your war angels to set up a camp around us. They will never sleep and never rest and will fight even throughout the night.

No weapon formed against us will prosper. May we hear in our spirit worshipping angels directly from heaven praising your Holy name all day long. Let your will be done in me and my spouse and on YOUR land in Jesus' name.

I extend this prayer over Lynn, her husband, and her dwelling! - Matt Bizak

This prayer was texted to me early one morning by a young man, Matt, who is interceding for his marriage. It's inspired and powerful. Lynn Donovan

Question for You

Praying In TongesFor all of us that meet up here at Lynndonovan.com, I want to have a conversation about speaking in tongues. During the fast this past week, the Lord has directed me to pray more frequently in my prayer language. 

It seems to me that this area of faith practice and prayer is confusing to many. I'm one of them. However, FINALLY, the Lord is beginning to lead me in understanding. 

So, what do you think? Do you want to learn more about this particular prayer practice? Let me kn
ow in the comments your thoughts and questions. Let's find out this year the real value that comes from this prayer practice. Hugs, Lynn

Life's Test?

Life and faith isn’t a test of Bible knowledge.

The real test is our fortitude, our resolve, our persistence and resilience, and when we walk through those gates, that’s when we win, because no matter what the devil throws at us, it cannot remove us from our victory in Christ. The end.