Easter and Audio Book
Who Is This Man?

Leading To the Ressurection

Jesus Easter 2020Hi Gang,

The week before us is our opportunity to renew and reinforce all that is available and offered to us as New Testament believers. It's important that we remain with our gaze firmly placed on the face of Jesus, our author and perfector of our faith.

This is especially true when looking into the demonic realm. There is always a matter of proper balance and placement of spiritual learning in our lives. Looking into the dark realm with an immature faith can lead to vulnerabilities. Therefore, this week we will take in the glorious promises and aspects of the resurrection.

Today, I want to celebrate the miraculous. As Jesus enters into Jerusalem, he was greeted in a powerful Roman styled greeting that was offered a conquering King. Clothing was throne on the road, palm branches were waved, the entire town came to the streets to see the miracle worker. It must have been astonishing to be among that throng of those who experienced the healings, the feeding from five loaves and two fish. 

Jesus was hailed a conquering King! 

And indeed, he was. HE STILL IS.

Today, we are fortunate to have the Gospels that tell of all He did. What I want us to remember today is Jesus is our healer. Jesus is our provider. 

Jesus healed all who came to Him. (Luke 4:40). When we are in pain, facing illness and sickness is in our home, we must bring to our remembrance that Jesus paid the price on the whipping post for our healing.

By his strips we were healed, past tense.

There are days you will need to quote this passage over and over, aloud to yourself. Pray it back to God. We must stand in faith for what is available and then thank Him for moving for us and restoring us to health. And always in His powerful, authoritative name. AMEN

So, what are you praying for regarding health? Share with me in the comments, that I may pray in agreement with you. Love and blessings, Lynn  

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