Spiritual Enforcer Released
Do Christians Worship Idols?

What You Will Learn Reading Spiritual Enforcer

Foundations for Effective WarfareHi Lynn Donovan here. 

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Are you curious how this book will help you? Do you want greater victory in your faith, home life, and relationships?

Well, this week we are going to poke our nose into the book, Spiritual Enforcer, and discover some of the critical components that are crucial to launch you into greater effectiveness when confronted with evil powers. 

The book is divided into four sections. The first section is built upon the foundational pillars I cover in great detail in the book, Marching Around Jericho. Thank you for reviewing that teaching last week and for re-reading the book. 

In the first section of Enforcer I share the premise to ALL victorious warfare. If you want to fight against anger, deception, lying spirits, lust, poverty, pornography, weariness, hopelessness and a host of other evil spirits, this premise is an absolute must. It is faith. 

Faith is simple but faith is complex. The faith we need to fight is found in our stance. 

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11

Most of us believe it's the armor that is crucial and it is. However, without the proper stance, the armor is useless. There is too much to write here. Infact, I wrote six chapters about our stance and all that it encompasses. 

The Lord expects us to protect that what is assigned to us. But we must learn what that is and how to pray protection and prosperity over it. 

Let me ask you a question. What areas are assigned to you to protect, nurture, prosper and guide? Think about this. It's larger than you might expect..... And smaller than you might know. Share with me in the comments your thoughts. 

I love you so much. Hugs, Lynn

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