Spiritual Warfare To Win
Hi Kingdom Warriors. Lynn Donovan here.
THIS IS THE MONTH. The book I was destined to write. Although this book is aimed to assist those who are married to an unbeliever, this book applies to our spiritual warfare in general.
This book is for serious and mature believers. It is widely available on February 17, 2024. The teaching is built upon the principles that I covered in Marching Around Jericho. Most of you who are regular readers here on this blog have read that book and stand on the foundational pillars.
But I thought it would be good to review them again as we lead up to the launch of Spiritual Enforcer.
Nicole and LuAnn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage will be leading a study of this content on our SUM FB Page and SUM Sisters Group. Check in there if you want to see how others are working through this study.
Today let’s talk about a foundational pillar that is a MUST have in order for effective warfare. In the book, Spiritual Enforcer, I share a significant amount of information regarding the demonic. This is who we are battling.
Today, let’s establish the Pillar of Intimacy with God. And we tackle the GREAT question: Is God Good? And if God is good why does bad things happen to good people?
Download PDF Field Guide → Goodness of God