Christmas Season
Begin 2023 With Intention to Grow Spiritually

Start The New Year in Freedom

Healing PrayerTestimony from a Healing Prayer session:

I didn't know what to expect with my healing session. But I'm sure glad I went through it. I shared my heart about my upbringing as a child and my relationship with my mom. I cried because I never had an experience vividly like this where I could truly feel Jesus holding me and helping me heal from anger I had with my mom. I know it's not going to be a perfect journey, but I feel that this was the breakthrough that Jesus wanted to show me.

I feel that having Lynn guide the prayer helped too. I truly feel that Jesus is with me now more than ever. I always knew He was, but sometimes having that encouragement from another can help strengthen that truth. I shared this experience with my sister and just want to continue to share with more friends.

I believe coming across Lynn's ministry was not a mistake and that God used that moment to help connect me to her. I'm truly grateful and feel more at peace and leaning more on God more than ever now. Not just with healing but with my family, finances, dreams and everything else in my life. - LT

MY Q1 BOOKING CALENDAR IS OPEN. Book your Healing Prayer time or Spiritual Development/Coaching time now before the slots fill up. I'm honored to be a tiny part of your faith journey. Hugs, Lynn

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