Honoring Our Friends and Family on Memorial Day
Thrive Ministries Update

Thrive Ministry Update

IMG_5622Hello Everyone,

This is a Donovan Clan update. Well, MOVING!!! Ack! It's been a month and there remains a number of boxes to unpack. But, Mike and I a plowing through. Our new home is a dream home. However, there is a ton to still do on the property. I've build planter boxes, a new kitchen table, a garden work bench. And all by myself, I might add. 

Mike had to help put together the wheelbarrow! Yep! That was a doosey.

Living on the edge of the oak woods is a steep learning curve. Just this morning, a gopher invasion. But the deer resting outside of our bedroom window is sheer bliss. 

The abundance of this season is due to the truth that we have a good Father. And after years of my faithfulness in the thin years and better years, the Lord has given me the house of my dreams as Mike and I enter senior years.

Say what??? When did we grow older? I know this, I am wiser.

Because I am obsessed with Jesus Christ. And HE is all that matters in this life!

Anyhoo, with all that remains to be completed and all the company that is headed here in the next two months, all the writers here at Lynn Donovan Ministries will take a sabbatical through the end of July. 

But, come August, I'll be fired up and ready. I plan to offer live teaching regarding physical healing. I've truly had a breakthrough in this area. I hope you watched my video of my healing from arthritis. This healing is for everyone. And I think I've uncovered why we don't possess supernatural power more often.

I KNOW this is what all of God's people want to understand. So watch for class sign ups.

I want to thank Martha for her tremendous writing. Faithful every Monday. And such powerful teaching. And thank you to Jeanne, who always speaks from her heart. She's working on a book that I can't wait to read.

Okay, have a blessed summer and in the heat of August we will be back with a ton more. And I may still post randomly as the Lord leads. 

I love you all. Hugs, Lynn

Deer looking into our front door at me!
Deer looking into our front door at me!
Mike Dog walking
Dog walkin' at one of the community lakes.
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