As Iron Sharpens Iron
An Inside Look at The Church of Laodicea - Revelations 3 and 2022

The Philadelphia Company: Who Is This?

Glorious Church LDMThe Philadelphia Company

Following the Video, End Times, Seminar from last week, I did receive a number of questions from all of you. And that is wonderful!!  So many of you told me you were diving in and searching the Word for more on your own. And THAT is exactly what I hoped.

I’m still working out some of the details myself. The day when the entire story, purpose and ending of God’s plan came into a greater understanding in my mind, I felt like I had an aerial (Seated in heavenly realms with Christ). It’s like I was airborn and looking down upon the earth and watching the entire contents of the Bible playing out, beginning to the end. WOW!

I remember calling one of my friends and sharing this experience. I felt a euphoria about the revelation and understanding. My prayer is that you also arise and view it with Jesus where we are seated in heavenly realms.

There remains a tremendous amount of information and detail that I didn’t have time to share. And it’s difficult to share the details as one of you wrote to me and said: I know the information was important. Not sure a lot of our brethren are ready and willing to have their doctrine challenged but yes it needs to be offered.

I think before I share more details and scripture, we need to stop here and acknowledge two words:

Cognitive Dissonance. The psychological tension that occurs when one holds mutually exclusive beliefs or attitudes and that often motivates people to modify their thoughts or behaviors in order to reduce the tension.

Many in the church aren't ready for their long held churchified belief systems to be challenged. But everything I shared was absolutely backed up by the scriptures. That's why you turned so many pages as I was teaching. An example is this: In Matthew 24, remember I stated that Jesus' prophetic words were addressed to the Jews. It's very important to understand the mindset of these people, the "persons" Gentile, Jew, Church and satanic seed, to whom the passage is addressing. 

Cognative dissonance describes my experience when I ventured into the realm of praying for SRA survivors, studying out the end times, researching the events of our time. The utter evil that is loose on planet earth will undo you. The truth will challenge every belief system you hold. The truth confronts the religious spirit and will force you to reconcile your comfortable Christianity for the reality.

I remember calling my friend, Deb, one day about two years ago, while I was in the middle of my study regarding SRA. I said to her, “Is the sky blue?” So many of my beliefs were being challenged and I had to wrangle with new revelations over and again. It’s difficult. But, I asked the Lord for the truth. I really wanted to understand what my God was doing on this earth and participate.

Some of us are called into this kind of revelation and reality. And some are not. I will not condemn my brothers and sisters if they decide it’s too much. I just ask one thing of you: Don’t be comfortable and complacent in your faith. Complacency is a doorway to demonic inroads. Allow your faith to be challenged. This process is the maturing process. It’s necessary. And once you have truly walked through the challenges, this is what occurs:

YOU KNOW, THAT YOU KNOW, THAT YOU KNOW, IN YOUR KNOWER ABSOLUTELY WHAT YOU BELIEVE. And you can stand upon it against all the powers of hell!

I know many of you are likely in that place of wrangling through the massive amount of information I shared last week. And it’s okay. The best thing you can do is press forward and pray. Then pray… And pray some more. Remember the scripture: Knock and it will be opened. Seek and you will find. This scripture will prove true to you. If possible, find someone to walk through the information with you. It’s always helpful to have someone to bounce your discoveries off of.

Okay, today let’s chat about one of my favorite subjects, The Philadelphia Company.

Who are these people? What is their purpose.

This church at Philadelphia is mentioned in Revelation, chapter three. John, under unction of the Holy Spirit and with Jesus, writes the book of Revelation while imprisoned on the Island of Patmos. I’ll share here that tradition and supporting books indicate that several times the Romans and the Jews tried to kill the apostle, John. He was boiled in oil but the tradition says he didn’t die so they sent him off to the penal colony where scholars indicate he lived into his 90's and died on natural causes.

*A note here. At times I’ll share extra Biblical information I’ve gained. When I do, such as this information about John, it’s just interesting. But, never does it have a bearing or change the doctrinal truth of the Bible. The Bible is our final Word. But I find the details so interesting because I'm a study of my Father's Kingdom.

These letters to the churches teach us a significant amount of information regarding our current dispensation of time. So, here is my assignment.

Open the book of Revelation. Read all the letters to the churches. Come back here and share with me what you think Jesus is revealing to us through them as a whole. And share your thoughts about what kind of church we are looking at today in and among these letters.

Okay, can’t wait to meet you in the comments. This is going to be an exciting ride. I bless you with the truth. Jesus is the way the truth and the light. AMEN

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