Advent Season: The Journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem
The Christmas Story As Told From the Throne Room

Want To View Christmas Differently?

Christmas 2021Announcement: Jesus, born in a manger this day, is the Messiah! He is Christ the LORD!

There are so many things I love about this season. I love cards with manger scenes, candlelight services, kid’s choirs, and the peace of early Christmas morning with Jesus before the house awakens.

In the rush of it all, I choose to take a moment and just ponder the whole thing. Would you please join me today?

Turn to Matthew 16: 13-20.

Jesus asks a question in this passage and I dare say, He is asking you this question this very hour:

Verse: 13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”

Peter responded: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus then responds with this utterly fascinating statement: Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

My friends, if you truly believe that Jesus is the Messiah, God, Himself has revealed this to you. You have received REVELATION from heaven. You have been touched by the Creator of All, the Father of Jesus, our Father. He chose to give you this life-changing, eternal providential revelation, the GOOD NEWS!

Say what????

Jesus who IS man and God. Born of a virgin to save, heal, and prosper us right now, on earth and forever.

He is the Anointed One!

Because of the Anointed One, you are blessed. And He will build His church within in you and upon you. Then you shall bind the gates of hell and loose the Kingdom of Yahwey on earth as it is in heaven.

THIS is the revelation of the birth that we celebrate. Let this revelation fall fresh upon you and then rejoice, for we were chosen before time began as His disciples to bring His gospel of love and peace to a world that grows darker by the hour.

This Christmas, worship the King of Kings! He is no longer a babe in swaddling clothes but THE most powerful being in all of creation and He holds the stars in His hand.

And He loves us so much that He gave all His earthly body to bless us and bring us revelation of the Father.


When you open a Christmas card, or smile at the cute children singing or marvel at a thousand candles in the sanctuary at the Christmas service, think upon this very revelation.

It will change you. It will bring you peace, love and joy!

Christmas blessings, Love, Lynn

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