A Trail of Grace
A Trail of Grace: Conversion Grace

Blocks To Supernatural Healing - #1

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comAs we meander this healing road, I want you to know I received a good report about the bump on my chest. I’m living out this healing teaching right in front of you. I partner with all of you for your healing and we shall see the goodness of God in the land of the Living.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. PSALM 27:13

There are a number of things that keep God’s people from stepping into divine healing and health. I want to share a few of them today:

Ignorance: Many, MANY believers are truly ignorant about God’s Word about healing.

Therefore, my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; those of high rank will die of hunger     and the common people will be parched with thirst. ISAIAH: 5:13

We lack so much information and Kingdom knowledge. And it’s understanding that leads to faith and belief. Which render the scriptures powerless to His people. The Israelites were in bondage because of their lack of knowledge. This absolutely remains true today.

I find this is because most believers lack the zeal to pursue the Word with in depth study and mostly without the Holy Spirit. It’s always easiest to only receive what the pastor shares on a Sunday morning. But for those who hunger and thirst, they will find all they are looking for. I’ve found all power that comes from on High is the result of an unquenchable hunger to know God intimately and with greater intensity. That is a promise.

Also, Christians are ignorant of God’s will. NOW HEAR ME RIGHT NOW. If you don’t take anything else from this teaching, please, PLEASE, take this with you.

God always, ALWAYS desires to heal.

God never, EVER, causes illness.

These two belief systems are crucial for divine healing. And these two truths will confront and offend many in the Christian church.

So, I have much more to say on this, we will pick this up next time as we need a deep dive to explain these.

I love you my fellow Kingdom Marchers. Health is ours and let us not settle for anything, but the best Jesus died to provide.

Hugs, Lynn

Next up. My recent discovery regarding healing. It’s new revelation to me that has changed the way I view healing, in fact, how I view all supernatural intervention.

Stay tuned. I adore you. Lynn

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