Partents/Adult Children: Honor Your Parents
Honoring a Friend on Memorial Day

Cleansing Curses and Bloodlines

Freedom Lynn Donovan Ministries
Freedom Is Yours In Christ

Hi Warriors of God,

Do you wonder why you pray and yet still deal with a repetitive sin issue. Have you wondered why your family always lives from paycheck-to-paycheck? Is it puzzling that your children are now suffering with the exacts same physical, mental and emotional issues you have battled all your life?

Would you like to understand the Biblical concept of curses and bloodline sins?

Well, this seminar is for you!  Hallelujah because gaining this knowledge will ABSOLUTELY change things in your life.

In this seminar you can expect:

  • Biblical teaching about curses, bloodline and blood significance
  • Discussion includes, witchcraft & sorcery, sins of the fathers, the spiritual "legal" realm, our rights as the redeemed of Christ. And the power of the blood of the Lamb!
  • You will take an inventory of your life and uncover hidden legal rights the enemy holds against you and your family
  • Gain a prayer model to become free of the oppression
  • PRAY an actual and POWERFUL prayer to see immediate results

This will be a one hour Zoom seminar on June 24, 2021 at 11 am PACIFIC. The live seminar will offer you the most effective portion of our prayer time. However, if you are unable to attend, you will receive the video. All purchasers will receive the video link after the seminar. 

Sign up now. Jesus is on the move and His followers MUST be cleansed and empowered. Hugs, Lynn

$10.00 for the class and this will support the Online Domain Registry. THANK YOU!!


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