The Atmosphere
Rescusing Back Our Kingdom Identity From Shame

God Moves Upon our Prayers

Oil lamp Bible LD MinistriesAmbassadors of the Kingdom of the Most High,

Well a number of you left your prayer requests in the comments last week. I will tell you this. God, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of All, and His Son Jesus have read each word. I’ve asked on your behalf that your words are taken by angels and laid on the scales in heaven in His holy Courts to swing justice and mercy toward your heart’s desire.

The Father loves you. He is with you. He will never leave you. He is in you and all around you. And your concerns, hopes and dreams are NOT insignificant or unimportant. I’m praying along side of you. That you will watch God move on your words and you will absolutely be assured that you are walking your your highest a best life.

As for my Rosh Hashanah requests, well one was for a break in the weather, the endless heat wave and relief from the fires. Today, is cooler and a cooling trend is forth coming. If you read MAJ, I had another prayer session for the weather like I described in the book. I see many of us now taking upon this area of legislating for the Lord on earth. I envision the Lord calling you to step onto a Throne of authority and displacing the devils and then releasing the Lord’s favor and purposes forward for you and others. Truly, I know this is ahead for Kingdom people.

I also will tell you that two significant things happened. First there was a sizable earth quake in California over the weekend. Hmmmmm, interesting. The shakin’ is a commin’ but not for Kingdom people.

Also, I’ve been praying a lot about our government, our judiciary and our presidential election. I find it interesting that there is an opening on our Supreme Court that occurred, also over the weekend.

It’s time to learn to pray violently. We MUST and NOW!

So next Monday, join me here as we uncover violent prayers.

Keep marching and KNOW who you are and whose you are. Hugs, Lynn

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