What Is The Supernatural Lifestyle?
Kingdom Legal Structure

The Realm of God's Kingdom

What is the Kingdom of God

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.comI’m absolutely fascinated, no obsessed, over the Kingdom of God. Once I gained some understanding about the supernatural realm and how it operates, it was a game changer. So, I’m going to give it a whirl. I’ll share what I’ve uncovered about the spiritual realm and some of the nuances I’ve discovered. I realize I have a limited view and there is so much more to learn. But what I’m sharing most believer’s remain unaware.

So, as I work through my descriptions, be prayerful, be thoughtful. Engage the Holy Spirit to provide you with revelation. Ask Jesus about the aspects of the Kingdom I’m sharing. AND if God gives you greater insight, share. We are on this journey together.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 17, Jesus says something astonishing:

Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst. —Luke 17:20-21

When I embark upon a study and read a passage like this, my head blows up. Why did Jesus say this? Why did he say this to the Pharisees? What were His disciples to learn from this odd exchange? What am I to learn from the exchange, the message, the response and how does this affect my life today? Oh, I hope your head blows up too! *grin*

This passage is extraordinary. The Kingdom of God….. It is invisible (can’t be observed, or can it?) Kingdom of God….. It isn’t an earthly Kingdom established upon a parcel of land under an earthly monarchy. IT’S IN OUR MIDST!

If we could wrap our minds around this, and understand the implications, it would change us.

So what is the Kingdom of God and how do I come to fully understand what Jesus was saying here?

I have two immediate thoughts. 1) the legal structure of the Kingdom. 2) What is and who is in the Kingdom. I guess I have three. 3) How do we interact or exist, move and breathe within it. 4) How do I affect and thrive within the Kingdom. Okay, I have a ton of concepts to unpack. Let’s start with the legal structure.

The Kingdom of God is organized in a true fashion of a Kingdom as described in the history books description of an earthly monarchy. We have a King, Yahweh, LORD OF ALL. He is the absolute supreme being. The creator and our Father. Jesus, the first born, is our Savior through the blood covenant. Christ was given supremacy from the Father.

And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. —Colossians 3:18

It is a legal Kingdom where God is sovereign. From this structure God disseminates responsibilities and liberties to others in the Kingdom beginning with Christ Jesus. And eventually to us, as heirs with Christ. This Kingdom structure is meticulously ruled and adhered to by the spiritual world. This includes the angelic realms. The armies, the scribes, healing angels, worshiping angels, men of old, men in white linen, believers on earth, etc. Also, it applies to demons, principalities, powers, satan, and all beings of spirit or flesh.

The Kingdom is clearly defined throughout the Word of God. It is set forth with precepts and legalities throughout the Old Testament and the new. Humanity was put forth on this earth to thrive and walk with God. This is the original design put forth in Genesis. I think the verse that clearly describes humanities original purpose follows:

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, —Genesis 3:8a

This verse describes how God would come to walk with His children in the cool of the day. We were created for love, fellowship, intimacy, and a peaceful existence.

However, as you all know, the last portion of this verse indicates that Adam and Eve were hiding to cover their shame.

Ugh! And the shame, blame and guilt game began.

As long as humans walked within the truth, we were in perfection. It’s when we turn to a lie and believe it as truth, that is when we, by an act of our free will, step out of the Kingdom and into a different realm.

Whether we are aware of not, we exist in this Kingdom. We are born into a war and we will choose a side. These truths place upon us a weighty reality.

What's next: Satan's Kingdom, Legalities, Stolen Blessings, Reclaiming Blessings, Operating out of the Kingdom of God, Defeating satan's Kingdom.

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