What Is The Supernatural Lifestyle?
I’ve been spending a great deal of time considering the supernatural lifestyle.
What is it really? Is it a real thing? What would that kind of life look like?
Anyone else think about these things?
In the weeks ahead I want to chat with you about what the supernatural lifestyle might look like. As we walk through this, however, I realize that all of God’s children are on different parts of the narrow path toward our eternal home. There are many people who aren’t in a place to think about such things. And more than that, many of the “churched” are under falsehoods about miracles and other aspects of the Kingdom realm.
But today, I submit a thought to consider.
My daughter and I were on an errand in the car today and we were talking about the supernatural life. In our discussion I admitted that for years I’d never seen an actual supernatural healing miracle. And from that place of frustration and mad curiosity, my Marching Around Jericho season began. Prior to that journey, it was also true that I didn’t belive in speaking in tongues and other supernatural aspects. I commented to my daughter about how this fact grieves me today because so many of God’s church doesn’t believe. I said to her, “Looking back it’s absolutely absurd that I didn’t believe in the miraculous realm considering God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit ARE supernatural beings.”
She agreed.
Now, I’m not poking accusation at my brothers and sisters in Christ. I’m merely pointing out that as a church in general we still have a long way to go. But for me and my little corner.
And I feel as though my belief – which is FAITH- is what has allowed me to move into this realm. We must start with….. we must simply choose to believe that it’s real. We must choose to believe there is a spirit realm and there are real spiritual beings in addition to the Trinity. And as a Child of God, my personhood affects that realm often.
So, I think we need to start there. If you struggle with grabbing this kind of belief, ask Jesus to show you the way. Because when you enter the gate named, “All is possible,” you are just getting started in the best part of the Kingdom.
Discussions and post moving forward will be about how we affect the spiritual realm. And how that realm impacts our lives and those around us.
So what are your thoughts. Did you grow up like me or were you aware of the spiritual realm? See you in the comments.
Sound fun??? Stay tuned, and welcome to the playground of the Lord! Hugs, Lynn