The Classroom of Binding and Loosing
I’m sure learning a bunch about the Power of Blessing. And also about our authority in Christ. And as I was contemplating this interesting season where the Holy Spirit leaving me to learn, this scripture came clearly to mind.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. --- Matthew 18:18
Immediately I realized that I’m in the classroom of binding and loosing.
Can I just say--- Whoa!
So for this post I want to share what I’m learning about loosing and also issue a challenge.
About two months ago I began to bless. I’m mostly compelled to bless the atmosphere of heaven into my life and the lives of others. Read this passage with me:
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, --- Romans 14:17
The atmosphere is not comprised of earthly and physical (eating and drinking) but the Kingdom of God, which is heaven’s atmosphere, is righteousness, peace and joy through the Holy Spirit.
This particular verse became powerful in my life after having a dream where the Lord placed three keys into my hands. But, alas, that’s a story I must share another day.
But it became clear to me that as image bearers of Christ, we are to bring heaven to earth which is the atmosphere of heaven through righteousness (goodness), peace and joy. But I really didn’t understand how to do this well until recently.
I recently began to bless myself, my family, my home and others I meet with joy. I literally will say these words aloud to myself, to others and I pray them.
“I bless myself with joy, in Jesus name.” I bless my home with joy, in Jesus name.
I speak this blessing over my children in my prayer time and over the phone. I bless you with joy, in Jesus name. I have also released the blessing of peace, the blessing of favor. I have blessed my health, my spouse at his job. I’ve blessed my friends with joy. I’ve blessed the engine in my car. After all, that car carries around a daughter of the King. And, it needs to run well for many more years. (Yep, college tuition). Jesus, bless my car to run well for years, In Your powerful name.
So here’s the challenge: For the next 30 days, bless yourself. Bless your children. Bless your spouse. Bless your home and anything else you feel like blessing. Bless them with joy and then watch as the power of blessing (loosing) becomes alive through the Holy Spirit in your life.