NOOOOOO, NOT THAT! But It Turned out SO Good!
My friends,
Walking through a season of warfare is NOT fun. However, I’ve arrived now at the Jordan River and am about to cross into the Promised Land. I don't fully comprehend how I know this but I sense God is changing things within the spiritual realm as I am preparing to step into a year of Jubilee. I share more about Jubilee at Spiritually Unequal Marriage. You can read that post series, click here to start.
But for me personally, I will pick up my story where I left you. White knuckled, clinging to God’s promises in His Word. It was at this point that I realized that God wanted me to just --- rest. ARGH!!! I don’t do – rest- well. I’m a do-er, kind-a-girl!
But I’m also learning obedience and so I rest. I stopped praying about new writing projects. I rested from church assignments, I stopped taking on any extra writing/speaking work and I rest. And now as we approach the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, I’ve come to learn that this entire year, 2014 has been the year of the Shmita. Say what? This entire year, is a year of rest. The 49th year according to God’s Word in Leviticus. It is a year of rest leading into the year of Jubilee.
But guess what I’ve learned in the resting? The promises of the Lord are being prepared. I’ve watched the Lord start to put people, events and circumstances into place that will come to full fruition within the next 6-8 weeks. I kid you not.
Let me give you an example. I’ve been praying for years. I mean years about getting my physical body back into shape. I’ve begged God. I’ve prayed for healing so many, many years. I’ve dieted and fasted and read a million books about healthy eating and creating a healthy life-style. To no avail. However, FINALLY in September I’m starting at a gym and with a new nutrition plan with an accountability partner. This is the only way I will succeed. And I can tell you that, YES, I will succeed. I’m on fire about this new plan and gym. My new training and the program begins, now get this, September 14. I didn’t even realize the date when I was working to get this all set up two months back.
I’ve also received some direction for my future writing. And another God set up is that my son and his wife are moving back to Las Vegas. This is all for the good for them and for us. These are all set ups for what God is preparing for me in the months of Jubilee.
I will tell you what I'm sensing the Jubilee year will hold for me personally, in my next post. And to discover what I believe Jubilee will hold for you, join the crowd reading the series at SUM.
For now, share with me what promise you have been praying into for a long time. I will pray along with you and let’s ask the Lord if it is destined for the redemption and restoration of Jubilee. I know that I will ask the Lord for specific insight and I will respond to you!
I love you my friends. It’s the greatest time to be alive since Jesus walked among us!!! Hallelujah!