We Owe People An Encounter
Trifecta Gifts From God - The Restoration of Lynn Donovan

God Speaks. Balloons Arrive

Every day we find ourselves surrounded by the supernatural. There are wonders to behold, glory to discover and miracles everywhere. We just don’t know how to see them.

This little playground on the web is where I want to share some of these crazy, astonishing stories of where an ordinary believer intersects with the God of the universe. I have many stories to tell of His faithfulness and my encounters.

I’m a bit older now and reflecting on my past, I clearly understand where, when and how the hand of God covered me. Stories of delight, deliverance, warfare and miracles. Soon I'm sharing a story of which I’m certain God saved me as a small child when I was drowning in a public pool. Amazing….. Stay tuned.

But right now, and mostly for me, I want to share my balloons. Many of my friends and readers at SUM know about these balloons. But it’s a story I need to write out for me.

Baloon BaptizedGod speaks to me through Mylar balloons. It’s a very personal and intimate way that the Lord sends me love notes, messages and His approval and affirmations. I’ve written and spoken often about the first one I remember receiving. The Baptism balloon that my husband found prominently placed at our back door. (See video here.)

But here are a few more and what the message was in the season and circumstances I found myself at the time.

IMG_1718This balloon arrived one morning while on a walk-n-pray. I had been through a long season, six months, of illnesses, colds, sniffles, laryngitis over and over, flu.... the works. One morning after a prolonged illness that left me on the couch for two weeks I finally was able to go on a morning walk. Not too long into my walk I spied this balloon floating two feet above the ground. It was waiting for me. When I walked over to it I said out loud, "O Lord, I've missed you."

Immediately He replied right back, "NO! I've missed you." I broke down in snotty sobs *grin* as my heart was filled with His unconditional love. To think that our Papa, God loves us and missed us when we don't pray or are too sick to walk with Him and that He cares when we are ill. It is ..... A holy mind-blow. This was a powerful and holy experience I treasure in my heart.

IMG_1757I will often receive balloons before and/or following a major speaking event. Recently I spoke at my local church on a Sunday morning. I shared with the congregation several of my balloon stories and wouldn't you know it, just to show off a bit. The next day, Monday, bright and early while on my walk-n-pray, I spy a shinny balloon on the dirt. I walk toward it and clearly see it's a baseball.

I say to the Lord, "Baseball??? Lord, Baseball? Why a baseball?" I puzzle. 

Then all of a sudden, I hear Him reply to me, in what I can only describe as a tone with a bit of mischief, "Look closer."

Good grief! I look closer and I see a very large "A" and a halo.... I immediately hear again, "Angels are all around!"

I giggled like a little girl and just knew that they were!

I have more stories likes these to come. I wonder, do you hear the Lord speak? Do you want to?

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